Afghanistan - What is it all about?

The US blamed Al Qaeda for the 9/11 attack and this was why this particular area became their first priority. What President Bush didn't tell you is that he had already made plans to attack Afghanistan almost six months prior to 9/11 when he realised that the US backed Turkmenistan - Afghanistan - Pakistan - India (TAPI) could be in jeopardy. The US at the time were big friends of the Taliban and why not? When it comes to oil they would sell their soul! They had previously helped in training the Taliban during the Russian occupation and later realised that they would make good partner for a Joint Venture pipeline. As usual the US drove home a hard bargain and the Taliban rejected the deal. This immediately put the US on a war footing in order to secure this extremely lucrative deal that would bring trillions of dollars to the US economy over a long period of time when complete.

Is the US really after Al Qaeda or is this all about prolonging the war effort to retain troops in Afghanistan for a much longer period and at the same time give them the opportunity to secure the proposed pipeline route that has been delayed so many times before. The US has applied much pressure on this TAPI pipeline and has now declared that construction will start in 2010, hence the urgent surge in troop requirements to secure the route.

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