Once more, Dems prove they don’t really care about DACA recipients

(National SentinelHypocrites: To hear them tell it, only Democrats care about minorities and especially those who are in our country illegally.

Republicans are bigots and racists and all they want to do is make America white again.

But time and again since Barack Obama unconstitutionally changed immigration law with an executive order providing a deportation reprieve to so-called “Dreamers” with his Delayed Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy, Democrats have proven they don’t really care what happens to those folks.

When POTUS Donald Trump attempted to end DACA last year, he gave Congress six months to come up with legislation that would make the unconstitutional Obama order legal. Democrats would have none of it because the president was attempting to exchange DACA legalization for border wall funding (so our country won’t continue having as much of a problem with illegal immigration in the first place).

Eventually, Left-wing judicial activists on the federal bench would block POTUS Trump’s executive order to rescind Obama’s executive order and that case is still proceeding through the appeal process.

Now, as Democrats prepare to take over control of the House, their presumptive Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, is once again proving that the Democrat Party doesn’t give a damn about what happens to the DACA Dreamers.

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When asked on Thursday whether she would agree to “some degree of wall funding” in exchange for “a permanent, bonafide solution on DACA,” Pelosi replied, “No.” She further claimed that border wall funding and DACA are “two different subjects.”

No, they’re not different subjects. The president is making them one subject: DACA for funding. Pelosi is just refusing to compromise, leaving the DACA recipients very much at risk of deportation if the case goes before the Constitution-leaning Supreme Court.

POTUS threatened a government shutdown over Democratic refusals to agree to border wall funding in the past. He backed off at the behest of RINOs; he has said he won’t back down this time and will let parts of the government shutter before Christmas if he doesn’t get at least $5 billion of the $25 billion needed to complete the wall he promised early and often during his 2016 campaign.

There are some fissures in the Democratic stance. Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer of New York has said he’d be willing to agree to $1.6 billion in wall funding in exchange for DACA, but the Left-wing extremists in the House won’t budge.

Whatever happens will happen, of course, but it needs to be said over and over again that each time Democrats have been given an opportunity to protect and defend DACA Dreamers they have refused to do so.

They didn’t deal with the issue when they had the House, Senate, and the White House during Obama’s first two years in office, and they have refused GOP compromises on the issue ever since.

So for your Dreamers out there who continue to believe that Democrats are your best friends, think again: That would be POTUS Trump and a majority of Republicans who are trying to get you ‘legalized’ but who keep meeting resistance from those who keep lying to you that they are the ones who are your biggest supporters.

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