Left-wing ‘educators’ fake transcripts for black students so they can get into Ivy League schools

(National SentinelBogus: There is nothing real about the Left except its deceit, and this was on display once again last week after it was revealed that a Louisiana prep school was exposed for faking transcripts in order to falsely advance black children to elite institutions of higher learning.

As The New York Times, of all publications, reported, “T.M. Landry, a school in small-town Louisiana, has garnered national attention for vaulting its underprivileged black students to elite colleges. But the school cut corners and doctored college applications.”

The Times began by recounting the story of Bryson Sassau, who was described by the founder of the school, Tracey Landry, as a “bright, energetic, compassionate and genuinely well-rounded” student who came from a disruptive family that included a father who abused alcohol and beat him. 

Sassau’s transcript “speaks for itself,” Landry wrote, but the student should also be recognized for founding the Dry House, a community service program that aims to help children of abusive, alcoholic parents. The young man’s application also said he took four years’ worth of honors English, was a baseball MVP, and earned great honors in the “Mathematics Olympiad.”

“The narrative earned Mr. Sassau acceptance to St. John’s University in New York. There was one problem: None of it was true,” the Times reported.

The school’s ‘successes’ have gone viral after some of its students — predominantly black from working-class families — have been accepted to Ivy League and other elite schools including Harvard, Yale, Brown, Princeton, Stanford, Columbia, Dartmouth, Cornell and Wesleyan.

And of course, the Left-wing pop-culture media has been all over the story as well, with the “Today” show, “Ellen” and the “CBS This Morning” all featuring the school and its ‘accomplishments’ for minority students.

But again, it’s all been a lie. And worse, the lying has only fed into some of the worst stereotypes involving black students, the Times pointed out, by manufacturing hard-luck stories to many of the country’s top schools, feeding into their progressive attitudes toward promoting “diversity” above anything else.

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Ivy League institutions “want to be able to get behind the black kids going off and succeeding, and going to all of these schools,” Raymond Smith Jr., told the Times.

He graduated from T.M. Landry in 2017 and enrolled at NYU; he told the paper that Landry forced him to fudge about his father being absent from his life on his application.

“It’s a good look” for the colleges “getting these bright, high-flying, came-from-nothing-turned-into-something students,” Smith added — despite the fact that it’s an illusion that robs a truly qualified student who actually earned his or her grades from being admitted.

A Times investigation, in which 46 people were interviewed including current and former students, former teachers, and law enforcement officials, turned up truly disturbing information about the school as well:

The New York Times also examined student records and court documents showing that Mr. Landry and another teacher at the school had pleaded guilty to crimes related to violence against students, and police records that included multiple witness statements saying that Mr. Landry hit children. The Breaux Bridge [La.] Police Department closed the case after deciding it was outside of its jurisdiction.

“That dream you see on television, all those videos, it’s really a nightmare,” admitted Alison St. Julien, Sassau’s mother.

As for Landry, he seems like a piece of work. He admitted to the Times that he “yells a lot” at students and that he has struck them as well. He also said he pits black and white students against each other because that’s how it is in the real world, he said.

Without question, liberalism enables this kind of behavior.

A version of this story first appeared at NewsTarget.

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