Distracted Driver Cameras To Spread Across North America

By MassPrivateI

Imagine driving down a highway or a city street in North America and wondering if anywhere is safe from Big Brother’s prying eyes.

That might soon become a reality if we allow politicians and officials to install distracted driving cameras along every highway and street.

An article in iPhone in Canada revealed that an Australian company called Acusensus wants to do just that by expanding Big Brother’s prying eyes to identify distracted drivers in North America.

Acusensus, an Australian company that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to spot distracted drivers, made a pitch at the 2019 International Conference on Urban Traffic Safety in Edmonton on Friday. After completing pilot projects in Australia, the company is seeking opportunities in North America and beyond, including Canada.

According to Acusensus “Solutions” page, their distracted driving cameras would give police yet another way to spy on motorists 24/7.

Our camera system penetrates windshields to provide high resolution images 24/7, while our algorithms provide automated recognition to detect those drivers illegally touching a mobile phone.

  • Consistent all-weather solution. Almost completely unaffected by darkness or by sun glare.
  • Detection of all vehicles via high performance sensor technology, which also provides accurate speed and tracking information.
  • Advanced automated recognition system minimizes false positives while ensuring no true offenses are discarded.
  • Enforcement pedigree, encrypted and signed traceable packages from the camera onward. (Encrypted police communication.)

Acusensus understands the end to end process, including the defensibility of the evidence in court.

What they should say instead is that they understand the end-to-end process of taking a picture of a distracted driver, capturing an image of their license plate and then issuing a citation.

And that is the real reason why North American cities will want to identify distracted drivers; MONEY.

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It is not enough that we have automatic license plate readers, E-ZPass readers, CCTV traffic cameras, and Stingray devices that record everywhere we go 24/7. But now Acusensus wants Big Brother to purchase another device to spy on motorists.

Acusensus “Solutions” page also boasts that they can provide instant feedback via their car’s Bluetooth to a driver that they have been caught and identified breaking the law.

Their surveillance cameras would also allow law enforcement to conduct on-the-spot policing, otherwise known as real-time ticketing of distracted drivers.

How is that for Orwellian?

The company is so sure that police will be using their product to spy on motorists that they expanded their sales team in North America,

Mark Etzbach will work closely with authorities and partners in North America to rollout the ‘Acusensus Heads-Up’ solution as a pioneering multifunctional enforcement system against illegal mobile phone use, speeding, unregistered and other risky behaviors.

Acusensus’s so-called “pioneering multifunctional enforcement system” is just corporate doublespeak for real-time spying and ticketing.

The last thing Americans need are more surveillance devices that track our every movement; and we certainly do not need or want a real-time ticketing system.

You can read more at the MassPrivateI blog, where this article first appeared.

Image credit: Pixabay

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