by Frank Li
On September 11, 2001, America was attacked, with the twin towers in New York City being brought down. Today, exactly 18 years later, do you know the real reasons behind this attack and the fact that our response was actually much worse than that?
Most likely not!
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1. Overview
In September 2016, I posted on the subject with an eye-catching title: 9/11: Remembered in America, But Not Understood!
I just reviewed that post - not a single word needs to be changed!
In other words, three years after the publication of that post, this whole thing remains “not understood” by most Americans.
Why is that?
2. Blame the American voters?
Yes, but only partially!
Let’s blame the system more!
In a democracy like ours, the MSM (mainstream media) and the political establishment work together for their own benefits, while blatantly misleading the American people by deliberately hiding the big but inconvenient truth!
Specifically, what does the MSM work for? Profits!
What about the politicians? Getting re-elected ad nauseam!
Here is the common means shared by the two: telling you what you want to hear, but not what you need to hear, from minority bashing (e.g. Muslims, Hispanics, and China) to hiding the truth behind 9/11!