Need a Refresher on the War in Afghanistan? Here Are the Basics

By Daniel Victor

Even the most dedicated news junkies can find it difficult to keep up on the war in Afghanistan, now in its 18th year.

This guide is for those who could use a refresher on the conflict, in which more than 2,400 Americans have died. At least 62,000 Afghan soldiers and police officers have been killed since the war began, in 2001, and more than 24,000 civilians have died in the past decade.

Now, after nine years of intermittent peace efforts, American and Taliban officials have agreed in principle to the framework of a dealthat could lead to a full pullout of American troops in return for a series of concessions from the Taliban, the chief United States negotiator said on Monday.

Why is the United States military still there?

President George W. Bush launched the first missiles in October 2001, about a month after the Sept. 11 attacks. The goals were to destroy Al Qaeda and the Taliban government that protected it, and to ensure the country wouldn’t be a safe haven for terrorists.

Seventeen years later, the Taliban hold more territory than ever as they fight the Afghan government for control, and American officials fear the country could still offer a home to those plotting attacks on American soil. Even Al Qaeda, which had been all but eliminated years ago, has resurfaced.

In 2014, the Pentagon declared an end to American combat operations. But since then, a smaller number of troops have remained to train Afghan forces and carry out counterterrorism operations against groups like the Islamic State.

In 2017, at the request of Jim Mattis, the defense secretary at the time, 4,000 additional troops were added, in hopes of hastening an end to the conflict and preparing Afghan forces for an eventual American withdrawal.

Late last month, President Trump said the United States would withdraw about half of its remaining 14,000 troops, even as American airstrikes were the heaviest they had been since the height of the war. But the drawdown has not yet started, and military officials have not clarified how many troops will leave the country, or by when.
Who are the Taliban?

The Taliban ruled most of Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001. They aim to establish an Islamic caliphate, an antidemocratic form of government in which women have few rights.

The American military action removed them from power, but they were not completely eliminated. The group has regained strength and continues to control as much as 40 percent of the country, and perhaps more.

In July, the Taliban insurgents said they would stop attacking Afghan civilians in suicide attacks. But violence has persisted as they reclaim territory and battle the government for control.

The American military has estimated that there are 20,000 to 40,000 active Taliban fighters. The Afghan military and police, on the other hand, are said to have up to 350,000 members, though they are plagued with heavy casualties, attrition and desertion.
Where do peace talks stand?

The preliminary framework described on Monday was the product of six days of talks in Doha, Qatar, between the American envoy, Zalmay Khalilzad, and the Taliban delegation.

Under the outline, the Taliban would be required to ensure that terrorist groups could not use Afghan territory the way that Al Qaeda did in the past. In addition, the Taliban would have to make a pair of concessions that they have doggedly opposed: agreeing to a cease-fire and talking directly with the Afghan government.

Those issues could still upend the latest round of talks, and Mr. Khalilzad has said that he is seeking ways, including assistance from regional countries, to persuade the Taliban to meet the Afghan side and agree to a cease-fire. But the framework is the biggest tangible step yet toward ending the war.
How has the U.S. approach changed under President Trump?

Both Mr. Trump and President Barack Obama relied on a mix of military force and diplomatic pressure on Pakistan to crack down on insurgent sanctuaries in that country.

The Trump administration urged American-backed Afghan troops to retreat from rural, Taliban-controlled areas of the country and focus on protecting cities — much like what happened at times under Mr. Obama and Mr. Bush.

In 2017, Mr. Trump said he had been convinced that “a hasty withdrawal would create a vacuum for terrorists, including ISIS and Al Qaeda.”

But the president has had little patience for the long-running war, and he has repeatedly said his instinct had been to pull troops out. The expensive war is deeply unpopular in the United States. The American government alone has spent $932 billion since 2001 in Afghanistan; its allies and international agencies, many billions more.

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