In his inimitable way, Summers said that "changes in details of trade agreements are not likely to have significant impact on U.S. inequality" for such efforts are akin to "trying to inflate a tire by blowing it up through the place it leaked." He suggested that creating unemployment insurance and closing loopholes on transfer pricing used by MNCs to avoid taxes would work better in reducing US inequality. In particular, gains from enhanced tax collection through reduced transfer pricing "could potentially be devoted to ameliorating the dislocating effects of technological change and globalization," though he was not specific about what measures he had in mind. Summers further noted "that truculence over exchange rates ... can do substantial damage to financial stability, with very serious consequences for American interest rates, for the American stock market." He added that "we need to act with very great care given the magnitudes of the capital flows in China on which our economy has come to rely." In other words, do not bite the (Red) hand that feeds.
Addendum: Summers' prepared remarks are posted on the Finance Committee website.