International Human Rights Commission Drops the Ball in Medical Kidnap Pleas

By Joan Dark

Allegations of bribery and corruption are now being levied against the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) following the Commission’s failure to take protective action in two cases of elder kidnap which were separately presented to the Commission.

The IACHR is the human rights arm of the Organization of American States and has jurisdiction over all states in the Americas which are part of the OAS.

Adult guardianships in the US have resulted in outcries that the system which was put into place to protect the elderly and disabled from potential abuse has in fact resulted in a “cottage industry” of predatory guardians, attorneys and judges who regularly abuse the rights of the vulnerable and not only drain the estates but in many cases send the elderly person to an early grave.

The IACHR dramatically withheld a decision for over a year on the request for precautionary measures tendered by Janet Phelan, a journalist and author who fled the US following the “kidnap” via guardianship of her mother, Dr. Amalie Phelan, and what appears to be her mother’s subsequent medical murder, following the sacking of her estate. Phelan reports massive police misbehavior directed at her, resulting in an assault by local police officers which put her into a hospital, comatose for several days.

Phelan fled the US in 2008, landing South of the border. In 2014 her expose, EXILE, was published in the US and at that juncture she reports that her situation in the host country became unstable. Frightened by repeated assaults with unconventional weapons and multiple attempts to frame a false arrest, in 2016 she appealed to the IACHR in a request for precautionary measures, which included a request for protection on her home, which has been repeatedly entered when she goes out.

States Phelan,

Not only have documents and computers been stolen from my house. I am now being inflicted with multiple attempts at chemical assassination, which have involved saturating clothing, bedding and food with military-grade heart attack chemicals. Appeals to the human rights and legal authorities here in Latin America resulted in the police being called on me. My petition to the IACHR contains documented proof of my allegations. I also attempted to turn over physical evidence of the chemical weapons which were used to attack me. I attempted to turn these over to the IACHR and was told they would not accept this evidence. I also contacted the Chemical Weapons Convention in the Hague and was told, shockingly, that they also would not accept the evidence. (Source)

Phelan’s articles as well as her book have focused on what is termed a “eugenics agenda” within the US government.  According to her, not only are the medically vulnerable at risk for this agenda. She has investigated and reported on numerous biological weapons issues, including the use of gene weapons against specific racial groups and has also researched judicial corruption in the US. She has testified in front of the Biological Weapons Convention in Geneva, Switzerland on two occasions, providing multiple levels of indicators that the US is involved in covert biological weapons work which may fuel future attacks on targeted populations.

Her work on judicial corruption, however, now directly ties into concerns of corruption at the IACHR. Using the investigative tools of the trade, she determined that the sole US citizen sitting on the Commission, James Cavallaro, who is also a Stanford law professor, has a real estate history which raises questions that he may be funneling bribes through his home loans.

Here are a list of documents pertaining to Cavallaro’s mortgage history during part of his tenure with the IACHR, culled from the Santa Clara County Recorder’s website. A subsequent attempt to update the research from 2016 was unsuccessful as all of Cavallaro’s records were found to have been scrubbed from the website.

The Executive Secretary of the IACHR, Brazilian law professor Paulo Abrao, issued a response that Cavallaro no longer works for the IACHR. Abrao’s email response, dated April 3, 2018 is included here, in its entirety:

Dear all,

Mr. James Cavallaro has no professional ties to the Inter-American Commission.
His term of office with the body was finalized on December 31, 2017.

Phelan responded by requesting full disclosure of Abrao’s banking records, as well as those of the other current IACHR Commissioners and a full response to concerns that Cavallaro received bribes during his tenure with the IACHR. Abrao had personally denied her 2016 request for precautionary measures in late 2017, leaving her at great risk for chemical assassination. At the time of going to press he has not replied to her requests for banking disclosure.

Another request for precautionary measures was filed on behalf of Leon Bridges, a US citizen who was put under an adult guardianship in a court proceeding in Los Angeles Superior Court and has since disappeared.  Judge David Cowan received documentation from the court’s own Probate Investigator, Winston Hall, that the grandson who had applied for guardianship over Leon Bridges had already misappropriated at least $80,000 of his grandfather’s funds. The attorney for the grandson, Craig Englander, had little to say concerning the theft, only indicating that the grandson, Brandon Bridges, “didn’t know” he shouldn’t have stolen his grandpa’s money.

In a disturbing display of disregard for the laws concerning embezzlement and also for the welfare of Leon Bridges, Cowan then appointed Brandon as guardian.

Leon’s daughter, Debra Ashby, has made multiple efforts to locate her father. APS and police Missing Persons reports have not resulted in information about his location. The request for precautionary measures, filed on behalf of Leon Bridges, has been sitting on Paulo Abrao’s desk now since last October. No reply has been received by the IACHR.

Previous news reports have mentioned concerns that the IACHR may be a puppet for US imperial interests.   These new concerns that the IACHR Commissioners may in fact be receiving bribes for what amounts to making politically motivated decisions raises the bar of concern. As Janet Phelan wrote in her recent email to Abrao, “Human rights work takes some courage.  It is not a profession one should enter into in order to self enrich at the expense of real, honest and endangered activists and journalists.”

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