Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania: March 17, 2018
Attleboro, Massachusetts (Ezekiel Bates Lodge): April 28, 2018
Masonic Con 2018
Featured presentations this year will include:
Pennsylvania Academy of Masonic Knowledge Spring Symposium
Speakers: 2016 Prestonian Lecturer Ric Berman - "Foundations: New Light on the Formation and Early Years of the Grand Lodge of England"
Adam Kendall - "The Geometry of Mystery: Ancient Egypt, Freemasonry, and Secret Societies"
Speakers: 2016 Prestonian Lecturer Ric Berman - "Foundations: New Light on the Formation and Early Years of the Grand Lodge of England"
Adam Kendall - "The Geometry of Mystery: Ancient Egypt, Freemasonry, and Secret Societies"
Attleboro, Massachusetts (Ezekiel Bates Lodge): April 28, 2018
Masonic Con 2018
Featured presentations this year will include:
- Nathan Tweedie ~ Otsego Lodge #138 Cooperstown, New York
- Brother Ryan Flynn ~ Ancient York Lodge #89 Nashua, New Hampshire
- Matthew “Doc” Perry ~ St. John’s Lodge #1N Portsmouth, Rhode Island
- Tyler Beebe ~ Bay View Lodge #120 Niantic, Connecticut
- Alex Powers Gardner ~ Gardner Lodge #65 Gardner, Kansas
- Jon Ruark ~ The Patriot Lodge #1957 Fairfax, Virginia
- Angel Millar ~ Compact Lodge #402 New York City, New York
- Geeg Wiles ~ Lafayette-Greylock Lodge, North Adams, Massachusetts
- Robert Johnson ~ Waukegan Lodge #78 Waukegan, Illinois
- Michael Jarzabek ~ Brigham Lodge, Ludlow, Massachusetts
For more information, see the website at: https://eb1870.org/masonic-con-2018/
Alexandria, Virginia (George Washington National Masonic Memorial): May 10-13, 2018.
Apollo 2018 World Festival of Masonic Arts.
The Apollo Festival of Masonic Arts is a world celebration of the symbolic culture of Freemasonry, organized by the Association of Masonic Arts (AMA), and hosted by different grand lodges around the world. The main purpose of the festival is to present the centuries old masterpieces of the Craft and contemporary art products, made by brethren from different cultures and countries.
Washington DC (The Whittemore House), May 18, 2018.
World Conference on Fraternalism Social Capital, and Civil Society 2018: Not Men Only - Sisters, Sororities, and Ritualistic Societies.
Speakers will include: Cécile Révauger, Olivia Chaumont, Emanuela Locci, Paul Rich, Guillermo de los Reyes, Nancy Theiss, Demetrio Xoccato, and Teresa Lynn.
Speakers will include: Cécile Révauger, Olivia Chaumont, Emanuela Locci, Paul Rich, Guillermo de los Reyes, Nancy Theiss, Demetrio Xoccato, and Teresa Lynn.
Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada (The Delta Lodge): April 6-8, 2018
53rd Spring Masonic Workshop
"The Development of Freemasonry into a symbolic society"
This year's theme has an historical bent as it looks at the change from Operative Masonry to Speculative Masonry in Scotland and other parts of the world.
Featured Speaker: Robert L. D. Cooper
Istanbul, Turkey (Movenpick Hotel): April 14, 2018
Fifth International Symposium on Freemasonry
Speakers include Ric Berman, Susan M. Sommers, Yavuz Salim Agaoglu, and Okan Yunusoglu.
For information contact Bro Ahmet Senkut, the Grand Orator for the GL of Turkey at ahmetsenkut@gmail.com
(Click image to enlarge)
Beirut, Lebanon: June 8-10, 2018
A “Masonic Discovery Travel to Lebanon” is offered by the District Grand Lodge of Lebanon (Scottish Constitution) in conjunction with the installation of Bro Rabih Jarmakini as District Grand Master. In conjunction with thus event, organizers will be offering a tour to Hiram’s Tomb in Tyre and to the Temples of Baalbek.
Check out www.dgll.org or email to dgm@dgll.org for further information
Toledo, Ohio (Camp Miakonda): August 9-12, 2018
Camp Masonry 2018

See the website for meals, camping information, lodging, and pricing plans.
Alexandria, Virginia (George Washington National Masonic Memorial): September 14-16, 2018
Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Research will host a rare North American Conference for 2018 with a program of research papers and debates.
Fort Worth (Fort Worth Masonic Temple): September 15-16, 2018
Texas MasoniCon 2018
Speakers: Michael Poll, Piers Vaughan, Charles Dunning, Jr., Pete Normand, Brad Billings, Roberto Sanchez, John Tolbert, David Bindel, Larry Fitzpatrick.
Tickets $45 in advance.