Telegram just announced that it has crossed 200,000,000 or 200 million monthly active users and is also rolling out a new update to Android and iOS bringing new features like sticker search, Multi-Shot sending, connected websites, and more. With the updated app, whenever you type one emoji, you will see suggestions not just from the sticker sets you've added, but also from other popular sets. It also added the new search for sticker sets will let you scroll up in the sticker panel to find the new search field that will help you find something quickly be it a set you've added, or a brand new pack. Furthermore, the new '+' icon will let you take and send multiple media one after another. The Auto-Night Mode which was already available on Android, it is now rolling to iOS as well. You can automatically switch to the dark version of the interface after nightfall or in low-light conditions. The iOS update also brings text formatting in media captions, reporting individual messages in public entities, and adds a section where you can manage connected websites. The Telegram update brings iOS app version to 4.8 and 4.8.5 for Android. The update is already available and you can download from Play Store and App Store. Commenting on the 200,000,000 user ...
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