Strange “Symptoms” People Are Experiencing Worldwide

It has recently been suggested that people from all around the globe have been reporting weird feelings and symptoms.

Very Weird Symptoms People Around The Globe Are Experiencing

People from every walk of life have talked about having some strange complaints and symptoms on and off, which sometimes leaves them wondering if they have lost their minds. The symptoms are said to go away for weeks at a time after subsiding and then they reoccur, seemingly in correlation with solar and cosmic activity and the readiness of the individual to move onto the next level.

It is said that huge energetic adjustments have taken place around the globe each year and that Planet Earth is going through a change. Solar activity that is intensified has influenced the magnetic field of the Earth and of every individual. Below are the symptoms that numerous people all over the world have reported.

Cravings For Sugar Or Chocolate

Many people get sudden cravings to eat chocolate or sugar and it is thought that perhaps the craving comes from parasites. More people than thought have some type of parasite. Oregano oil is thought to help with Candida along with parasite activity. Antibiotics can help to destroy a person’s immunity for a couple of years after just a few uses but oregano oil is a much safer and natural antibiotic. People take probiotics following oregano oil to make sure that the bacteria in their stomach do not die.

Eating Patterns That Are Not Familiar

A loss of appetite along with not being able to figure out what to eat is said to be a consequence of living in a supermarket world and the answer is to eat food that is healthier. Learning to cook something that is new and finding out what minerals and vitamins are needed help.

Strange Patterns Of Sleep, Pressure, And Pain In The Head

Thanks to things such as radiation, cell phone towers and smart meters in the homes people have been at risk of developing insomnia and headaches.

Strange Sounds Being Heard

Many people have said that they have heard strange sounds and these have included metallic, buzzing or mechanical sounds. Some people have also said that this is down to electronics, cell phone towers, and smart meters. However, some have said that it is more spiritual.

Sensitivity That Is Heightened

Some people have reported that they have a sensitivity that has been heightened. Anyone thinking this might have mercury poisoning, more so if they have had silver-mercury amalgam fillings at the dentist.

Sense Of Smell That Has Been Intensified

Some people have said that their sense of smell has been intensified but this is not linked to something negative and instead it sounds more spiritual or a human health power.

Technology That Behaves Strangely When Touched

Some people have said that technology acts strangely when it is touched. Some people think that computer updates affect certain devices and cause them to become slower and of course, Apple has slowed down their older iPhones.

Having An Awareness Of Waves Produced By Technology

Some people say that they are aware of the waves that are produced by technology but it is not awareness of technology that produces radiation, but that it is radiating people that bring about the symptoms.

Being Out Of Focus

Some have said that they feel being visually out of focus as if they are in a movie. Perhaps staring at a computer screen for many hours each day is the culprit. However, it could be possible that we are all living in a computer simulation.

Bad Coordination Or Being Out Of Balance

Some people say that they feel out of balance or they have suffered from bad coordination and many put the blame on cell phone towers or smart meters.

Waves Of Overlapping, Conflicting Or Intense Emotions

People can consume endocrine disrupting chemicals and mercury or BPA can cause people to have waves of overlapping, conflicting or intense emotions due to it. On the other hand, astrology has been said to be the blame for this feeling as the planets have an effect on people.

Manifestation Of Thoughts Into Reality

Some people have had instant manifestation that becomes reality. For instance, they think about a word and straight away hear someone say that word. Many believe it to be coincidence but it happens far too often for it to be that.


People who know that food has chemicals, pesticides and carcinogenic preservatives believe that DNA that has been modified can cause infertility and many blame this when experiencing symptoms that are strange.

Spraying The Skies With Materials

People know that the sky is sprayed with materials that include barium and aluminum and they often say that they straight after seeing this they feel ill. Some say that they are being forced to ingest chemicals they don’t want to ingest and breathe air that is toxic and it makes them ill.


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