By now, Scott C. Waring is pretty much a fixture in the world of alien conspiracy theories, especially when it comes to Mars—he previously claimed to have spotted a cannonball on the Martian surface, as well as ancient oceans and even sphinx-like statues. Now, he's seized upon an image taken by NASA in 2005, which shows a strange rock formation that resembles an alien head.
According to a post on his website, UFO Sightings Daily, says:

"This crater on Mars is called the 'Chryse Alien.' Yeah, you heard me right. NASA named it after an alien! They see an alien face here! The measurement bar in the upper left of the photo tells us how long 150 meters is, so this head is about 350 meters by 400 meters. The two eyes are each over 250 meters long! and perfectly matched in size and width! The ridges along its center forehead shows a unique feature of the alien not often seen."
We suppose the implication by Waring is that this is a self-portrait by Mars' aliens, who seem big on creating rock sculptures. However, NASA suspects the formation isn't made by intelligent life at all.
According to the official NASA page for the photo: "This Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) image shows an impact crater in Chryse Planitia, not too far from the Viking 1 lander site, that to seems to resemble a bug-eyed head. The two odd depressions at the north end of the crater (the "eyes") may have formed by wind or water erosion."
Considering that Waring has claimed to see everything from handguns to groundhogs on Mars, we're going to put our money on NASA's assessment. Astronomers and laypeople have been obsessed with illusory evidence of a Martian civilization for over a hundred years, but even two Mars rover missions haven't found evidence of bacterial life.
If you're really interested in new discoveries on Mars, scientists may have finally found an explanation for where Mars' supposed oceans disappeared to.