
Ravi's Deportation Has Been Delayed!

Rally in Foley Square, outside New York Federal Building, Saturday, February 10, 9 am!

By New Sanctuary Coalition
February 9, 2018
This is a turning point - now more than ever we need to ramp up pressure to stop ALL deportations.

Great news today! Ravi is temporarily safe from deportation, thanks to a lawsuit just filed against ICE for targeting immigrant rights leaders in violation of the first amendment.

With this momentum, it’s more important than ever that we all join Ravi for a huge “You Can’t Deport a Movement” rally for the countless thousands of immigrants facing deportation every day. Join us in Foley Square next to ICE’s offices at 26 Federal Plaza tomorrow morning at 9am.

Today, Ravi, together with a group of organizations including the New Sanctuary Coalition, charged in federal court in New York that Immigration and Customs Enforcement has been targeting Ravi and many other activists across the country in order to illegally silence them and “sweep away all opposition” in violation of the First Amendment right to free speech.

Ravi now has a temporary stay—he cannot be deported while the court is considering the lawsuit’s demand for a preliminary injunction stopping ICE’s unconstitutional behavior. (Read more on The Intercept or the official press release here.)

This is a critical moment for our cause, and we need to rally tomorrow — Saturday morning — to show ICE we won't go away until ALL deportations are stopped.

We see now what a big difference our resistance can make. Now let’s leverage the momentum and the worldwide attention we’ve harnessed. Let’s show ICE they can’t terrorize, harass or deport any immigrants. They cannot deport our movement!

It‘s an important time in history! Get your signs ready. Invite your friends! On the day that they would have deported Ravi if they could have, let’s make noise and show ICE we won't stop until the attacks on our communities stop.

In solidarity,
New Sanctuary Coalition

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