Google with an aim to offer healthcare related information quickly in search results, rolled out the Health Cards with over 400 health conditions back in April 2016. Today it announced that it is adding information about commonly searched symptoms like common cold, acute bronchitis, flu, pneumonia, chest infection and Hindi language support. Google will now show an overview description along with information on self-treatment options and what might warrant a doctor’s visit. Google says that it is aiming to navigate and explore health conditions related to the symptoms and take you to a place where you can quickly talk to a health professional or do more in-depth research on the web. To make this information tailored to India, Google said that it is working closely with Apollo Hospitals. These results are intended for informational purposes only, and for any additional support, it is always recommended to consult a doctor for medical advice and treatment. This cards of information are to prepare you before you present your problem to a doctor and what questions you should be asking. The new symptom search experience will be available in Hindi and English on the Google App. Source
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