Earth Will DIE By 2600, Warns Professor Stephen Hawking

Professor Stephen Hawking has issued yet another chilling warning at a speech during the Tencent Web Summit, held in Beijing. Professor Hawking said that Earth ‘will become a flaming ball of fire by 2600,’ as Soaring populations and increased energy demands will cause the catastrophe. Some would say by now that Professor Hawking has become a little bit paranoid don’t you think?

 In the last twelve months, professor hawking has made a series of comments related to AI and all of its danger, and how the rapid development could cause the human race to go extinct. Hawking has also warned that Earth could be destroyed by aliens, and that we ought to tread carefully when exploring space, searching for our cosmic neighbors.

And now, the world-renowned physicist has issued another warning saying that our planet may die by the years 2600. According to Professor Hawking, by the year 2600, planet Earth ‘will become a flaming ball of fire’. Now, this isn’t a prophecy, and something that he foresaw in his dreams, after all, he isn’t Nostradamus. Professor Hawking warned that it will be mankind who will destroy planet Earth, turning it into a giant blazing fireball, within the next 600 years.

According to Hawking, the soaring populating size and extreme demands for energy will eventually lead our planet to catastrophe. The stark warning was made via video link at the Tencent Web Summit, held in Beijing. This is why professor Hawking believes mankind must turn to the stars in order to avoid this fate, with our nearest cosmic neighbor Alpha Centauri being one of the best candidates for escape. Professor Hawking urged potential financial backers to join a global-scale project that could one day help take mankind to Alpha Centauri. And maybe Hawking is right. After all, what we are doing to our planet is inhumane, to say the least. We live life as if we had another 10 Earth’s lined up next door. Professor Hawking is one of the backers of the Breakthrough Starshot project, an initiative that would see a nanocraft probe sent to Alpha Centauri in the next 20 years or so.

‘The idea behind this innovation is to have the nanocraft on the light beam. Such a system could reach Mars in less than an hour, or reach Pluto in days, pass Voyager in under a week and reach Alpha Centauri in just over 20 years,’ said professor Hawking during the conference. Going to Alpha Centauri will not be easy. In fact, since it is located 4.37 light years away, it would mean that our fastest spacecraft would take about 30,000 years to get there. The Starshot project aims to send miniature-sized spacecraft on a sail powered by a laser-beam to Alpha Centauri but traveling a thousand times faster. But why do we want to get to Alpha Centauri? Well, according to experts, there is a good chance that there are Earth-like planets existing in the ‘habitable zones’ of Alpha Centauri’s three-star system.

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