As of today, the Hauts Grades Academy education program of the Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction is officially live and running with its first class of registrants.
This initial class is full, but new students will be admitted soon.
The degrees that made up the original Scottish Rite were known as the Hauts Grades (French for 'high grades') in its early beginnings, and the HGA is specifically designed around the degrees worked in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. It is a course available to all 32° Scottish Rite NMJ Masons in good standing, free of charge, with both offline and online offerings. (33rds can enroll too, but we know it all, right?)
The degrees that made up the original Scottish Rite were known as the Hauts Grades (French for 'high grades') in its early beginnings, and the HGA is specifically designed around the degrees worked in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. It is a course available to all 32° Scottish Rite NMJ Masons in good standing, free of charge, with both offline and online offerings. (33rds can enroll too, but we know it all, right?)
The HGA program is divided into three levels. At Level One, the candidate delves into the rituals of the 29 AASR-NMJ degrees with an open book, 100-question, multiple choice exam. Trial questions will be provided before Level One participants get started, in order to see the nature of the actual test. Additionally, the test may be taken and retaken (with different, randomly generated questions) until it is successfully passed.
Once that level is passed, at Level Two the candidate picks any nine degrees and writes a substantial essay on each of them, reflecting on the lessons and teachings embedded in their rituals. The Academy Advisory Board will mentor the candidate throughout the process.
Finally, at Level Three the candidate creates a professional research paper—a Master Work— not less than 2,500 words in length, focussing on any topic of his choosing, from history and ritual, to philosophy of the Scottish Rite. Papers created by HGA participants will be published annually by the Supreme Council, or as articles in the Northern Light magazine. Graduates of the HGA will receive a certificate at each level, and upon successful completion of the program, presented with a special Hauts Grade Academic jewel.
The HGA program is envisioned to always be a work in progress, and the goal is to foster, support, and encourage Masonic scholarship throughout the Scottish Rite NMJ.There will be online reading materials provided for the course, as well as a list of other outside recommended reading material. There will be student follow up and feedback throughout, and the program will be constantly evaluated, with improvements and adjustments made as it progresses. Because of the personal attention required by the course facilitators to accomplish this, the HGA must limit the size of each class.
If you are interested in enrolling in the Hauts Grades Academy but missed your chance to be a part of the first class, SIGN UP HERE to add your name to the waiting list, as registration will be opening again soon.
If you are interested in enrolling in the Hauts Grades Academy but missed your chance to be a part of the first class, SIGN UP HERE to add your name to the waiting list, as registration will be opening again soon.