
UPDATE: Atomic Weapons Establishment Responds To UFO Inquiry / Sighting, By Member of Parliament

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UPDATE: Atomic Weapons Establishment Responds To UFO Inquiry / Sighting
Editor's Note: Michael Lewendon, and his wife witnessed an enormous, saucer-shaped UFO near the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE), a nuclear weapons manufacturing facility, located in Burghfield , West Berkshire, England on September 11th, 2004. Given the size of the object, and that the sighting occurred during the day in clear skies, the couple assumed that there certainly would have been other witnesses, as well as being captured on “traffic cameras,” along with “the myriad of security cameras around the AWE.”

Much to their chagrin repeated inquiries to government officials fell on deaf ears; however, finally through their persistence, and the assistance of researcher, Ananda Sirisena, their MP (Member of Parliament) acted on their behalf and made an official inquiry to AWE; below is their response. (Pertinent names have been redacted).–FW
Response From AWE To PM (Pg 1 of 2) 5-22-17

Response From AWE To PM (Pg 2 of 2) 5-22-17
The original report can be found here, and below is the addendum, originally published in April of last year:
     Met the witnesses again in December 2016 and revisited the site of the observation of the massive object near and above the AWE (Atomic Weapons Establishment) on 11th. September 2004. The witness ML – Michael Lewendon, stated that, "The thunderous-looking clouds were rushing through the object, as if it was a form of camouflage. But the sky was blue - not a cloud anywhere. The rushing clouds gave the impression, together with the pastel coloured lights, that the object was spinning. There must have been over 40 or more lights around the object, so huge was the UFO. "I felt privileged, felt as if I was gifted to see such an event. Phew, from being scared one minute to amazement in my heart. The craft was hovering 50 yards away, about 200 feet in the air."
Ananda Sirisena
By Ananda Sirisena
The UFO Chronicles
Copyright © Ananda Sirisena

Michael estimated the craft to be 100 -200 metres across and 30 metres deep, with a hint of a dome on top. It could have been larger he estimates, being conservative. After getting out of his van, observing the saucer-shaped object for a full five to seven minutes, during which time he tooted the horn several times to try and awaken nearby residents, the object started to move. No one else came to view and no other cars passed during those few minutes.
"I decided to tell myself to remember every detail, as I was seeing something that was going to be investigated and my information could be of great significance" I had time to place an article by a road sign, which I recovered a few days later, just in case we were somewhere else; the article was still there. "The ship moved off in an arc shape to our left, going up as it moved. Its path took it straight over the atomic research base, 500 yards away and then it went parallel to the M4 motorway, towards London. That is where we lost sight of the ship. I drove up the road to the bridge which goes over the M4 and parked the van again to see if there was anything I could add to this UFO sighting."
Michael is perplexed at the lack of investigation by the authorities. He wrote to the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, hoping to receive some acknowledgement of his report. He received no reply. He even wrote to the Gracious Queen of England, hoping to hear about some sort of investigation by some official body. He is convinced that the traffic cameras covering the motorway would have picked up the object, as well as the myriad of security cameras around the AWE. He asks, "What about weather stations, the BBC, satellite imagery and Google Earth?"

He tells me,
"I do really want any report to concentrate on the reluctance of the government to investigate. This was no little light in the sky at night. It was not for a few seconds, this "thing" was huge and massive, larger than Wembley stadium. It could have been occupied by hundreds of thousands of people. In total my wife and I observed this "spaceship" for over 8 minutes. I need your write-up of our sighting to confront the powers that have the ability to investigate, to go through official archives and come up with an answer. It will be the same results, as if we saw this yesterday. We need to tell the people that I have tried to get an investigation - but who has the power to initiate this?"

"This goes down in history as the biggest missed chance to reproduce that day's events. They came here to do something, change something, leave something. They never bothered about me and Betty, they never harmed us. The whole point about this is that it never got investigated. There must be evidence in official archives that indicate we might have been in some sort of "time warp". Instruments in and around this area will show distortions of time and space, some kind of a tunnel. If they look, they will find all we saw. There's a national security risk for one thing because this "spaceship" was hovering over the AWE. This has implications for space travel, this knowledge belongs to mankind and our children's children; these archives will show that space travel exists."
Michael's frustration about the lack of an official response led him to write a children's story about their encounter, which he sent to Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace. He hopes the Prince of Wales will read the story to his grandchildren. I checked with the British UFO Research Association - they have no reports from Reading for that day. ML remembers that on this bright morning, before sunrise, he saw the crescent of the moon, with a "very bright" light, like a bright star, close to it. Initially he thought that bright light was the International Space Station but now he is sure it was Venus.
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