This is the Most Detailed Map of the Universe to Date

Calculating the star in the universe is like trying to estimate the number of sand grains on a shore, it’s impossible. Even though calculations differ among different astronomers and scientists, the general agreement is that there’re more than between 100 billion and 200 billion galaxies in the observable universe. 

Just imagine about that for a second, and now throw billions of stars in each galaxy. Just like our home galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy, for example, this accommodates nearly 120,000 light years across, and holds up to 4 hundred billion stars. In the video below, a team of researchers composed data on more than 8000 galaxies that are surrounding the Milky Way galaxy. 

They calculated each galaxies movement and place in space, and learned that our galaxy is part of one enormous system that covers a plenty of other galaxies, specified as a super cluster.

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