
Secret UFO Pentagon Program Explained By Leslie Kean | INTERVIEW – VIDEO

Secret UFO Pentagon Program Explained By Leslie Kean | INTERVIEW – VIDEO

Editor's Note:In the aftermath of the breaking news, re a secret UFO program run by the Defense Department from within the walls of the Pentagon, published by the New York Times, written by Helene
Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean, the latter sat down with host, Aaron Gilchrest of MSNBC to unpackage it all.

Although the visuals and the host’s demeanor were typical for the media’s coverage of the topic of UFOs, regardless of the import of the now acknowledged secret government UFO program, Ms. Kean held her own; she eloquently explained the New York Times' findings and detailed the investigations carried out under the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Moreover, she kept the host on topic, re the UFO phenomenon when he started to delve into aliens and the common stigma painted by the mainstream media re the UFO matter.–FW

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