Twice a year, the Pennsylvania Academy of Masonic Knowledge meets in Elizabethtown, PA, usually presenting two outstanding speakers at each meeting. The Academy meetings are open to any Mason who wishes to attend.
The Fall 2017 meeting will take place on Saturday, October 28 in the Deike Auditorium of the Freemasons Cultural Center on the campus of the Masonic Village in Elizabethtown. The speakers for this event are my friends and Brothers Michael Poll and John Bridegroom.
The Fall 2017 meeting will take place on Saturday, October 28 in the Deike Auditorium of the Freemasons Cultural Center on the campus of the Masonic Village in Elizabethtown. The speakers for this event are my friends and Brothers Michael Poll and John Bridegroom.
Michael Poll is the editor of the Journal of The Masonic Society. He is a Fellow and Past President of The Masonic Society. If you read Masonic books or hunt them online, you will undoubtedly have come across his Cornerstone Book Publishers. He is one of the most prolific and consistently excellent editors and publishers of both new and heritage books on Freemasonry and esotericism. Mike is a Past Master of Friends of Harmony Lodge #58 and a member of the famed Etoile Polaire Lodge #1, both in New Orleans, Louisiana. Etoile Polaire is one of just ten or so lodges in that state permitted to work the Scottish Rite Craft Lodge degree rituals, derived from the days of their original chartering when France still owned the place, long pre-dating the Grand Lodge of Louisiana. He is also a member of numerous appendant bodies.
Michael's presentation will be, “The Enlightenment of Freemasonry.”
Michael's presentation will be, “The Enlightenment of Freemasonry.”

John is an extraordinarily active Mason (along with being a fellow Hoosier, where all the cool kids hail from), and is currently the Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Council Cryptic Masons of Indiana. He's a Past Master of Porter Lodge 137 in Valparaiso, IN, belongs to everything you can think of, and something tells me he's got something to do with this...
The title of his presentation is: “Freemasonry as a Hermetic Philosophy.”
If you can't make it to Elizabethtown that Saturday, have no worries. There will be a LiveStream of the event on YouTube, and recordings will be available following the event on the Pennsylvania Masons YouTube channel here:
My understanding is that they will take questions from the internet for the speakers that day. For more information on the Academy and the speakers, please visit
Pennsylvania's educational program is outstanding, and other jurisdictions would benefit from similar programs. Membership in the Academy is free to all Pennsylvania Masons, and they offer a Masonic Scholar Certification program, with the requirement of an extensive reading list, and submission of evaluation papers.