We Finally Know How The Great Pyramid Of Giza Was Built

In a recent documentary, broadcasted by Channel 4 on British television last week, archaeologists offered new proof unfolding how the Great Pyramid was built. The new insight comes from papyrus found in the prehistoric port of Wadi al-Jarf, on the Red Sea.

Amongst the documents found there over the last six years, a joint French-Egyptian team uncovered the diary of Merer, an official involved in the erection of the Great Pyramid. The scientists were able to rebuild three months in this ancient Egyptian’s life. The documents are over 4,500 years old, and some of the oldest papyri ever discovered. They give us a sight into Egyptian life under Pharaoh Khufu and the only first-person description of the Great Pyramid's creation.

The Great Pyramid is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the last to stay unharmed. It took 20 years to construct on the plane of Giza and was completed in about 2560 BCE. It is presently 139 meters (455 feet) tall and made out of limestone mined in Tora, across the river from Giza, and granite from Aswan, situated over 800 kilometers (500 miles) south. How the stone was delivered to the location has long been a contentious point. At least until the papyrus was discovered. 

Merer described how the limestone was carried from Tora on boats, one of which was discovered at the foot of the pyramids. Stone blocks were transported across the Nile in a series of purpose-built canals that brought them as close to the construction site as possible. They were then rolled over on special tracks. The same type of boats might have also been used to transport the granite from Aswan. 

The scientists also found that the port of Wadi al-Jarf played a significant role. Copper was excavated just across the narrow sea and delivered to Giza through this port. It was used to make stonecutting instruments.

The Egyptian archaeologist and previous minister of antiquities Zahi Hawass said in a statement that this is:
“the greatest discovery in Egypt in the 21st century.”

The Great Pyramid was the highest man made structure in the world for over 3,800 years. The unbelievable structure has both captivated and mystified researchers but it appears we are at last getting a better picture of how it was accomplished.

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