
Internet Of Everything: The Best Definition You Will Find

The Internet of Everything (IoE) incorporates the Internet of Things and everything else into a single architecture. If you don’t understand what Cloud Computing and Fog Computing are, then you must read this paper thoroughly, because it is at the very heart of global Technocracy. Everything will be connected to everything else as soon as it comes online. ⁃ TN Editor

The Internet of Everything (IoE) is a concept that aims to look at the bigger picture in which the Internet of Things fits. Yet, when you look deeper at IoE, you’ll notice it really is also about the vision of a distributed network with a growing focus on the edge in times of ongoing decentralization, some digital transformation enablers and a focus on IoT business outcomes.

While the Internet of Things today mainly is approached from the perspective of connected devices, their sensing capabilities, communication possibilities and, in the end, the device-generated data which are analyzed and leveraged to steer processes and power numerous potential IoT use cases, the Internet of Everything concept wants to offer a broader view.

The Internet of Everything is coined by Cisco but also used by some other firms now and then, even if de facto in the perception of people it is mainly seen as related with Cisco and most resources come from Cisco so you’ll hear the name Cisco quite a bit in this overview (we are not affiliated in any way).



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