Immigration activists are about to put “everything on the line" for DACA

Activists have spent weeks coming up with emergency plans in case Trump eliminates or cripple DACA, which would make 800,000 young immigrants vulnerable to deportation. They’re now setting those plans into motion.

February student protest. Photo: Christopher Occhicone/NY Times
By Jeff Stein, Vox
September 4, 2017
Monica Camacho-Perez’s parents abandoned their home and family in Mexico and brought her to the US when she was 7 years old.

Starting Tuesday, she will camp outside the US Capitol and fast for four straight days in the hope that doing so will help convince lawmakers to allow her to stay.

“I can’t let my father’s sacrifice go to waste,” said Camacho-Perez, 23, in an interview. “I have to fight to protect everything my parents fought to give me.”[…]

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