Why Does The Universe Exist? Physicists Have Found the Answer and It Will Blow Your Mind

It was a matter to investigation for the physicists that why this universe exists???

So finally now they have found the answer to this mysterious question.

Why the state of nothingness was replaced by something???

There are many questions which arise in metaphysics including ‘why are we conscious?’, ‘where did we come from?’ etc.  Such questions are answered by the scientists who are studying physics of extremely small particles and applying their knowledge and learning on excessively large.

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The Quantum physicists did research on this matter .They first presented a theory and then provided a proof that such particles suddenly make an appearance from nowhere. Also they further presented a theory that the universe can’t be something really like nothing and possibly ‘nothingness’ is an impossible kind of state.

These particles which make a sudden appearance are called Quarks and they appear in form of small threads called Mesons and Baryons.

According to law of Conservation of Energy — Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. The new theories and findings are opposing this classical law of physics in the way that energy can make a sudden appearance within a closed system any time absolutely from nowhere. Scientists have presented a theory that once this diversion from law is proven the other is just matter to measure.

A speaker from a science explainer channel named as Strange Mysteries said:
According to quantum mechanics the idea of nothingness persisting for all time is unrealistic as there’s no such thing as empty space. Even in a perfect vacuum particles and anti-particles flash in and out of existence, and they return to no-where when they’re done.  Stephen Hawking found that space is unstable. Empty space, in time, eventually starts to froth and bubble. These bubbles of space-time form particles out of nothing just like those weird particles, and we think a similar bubble may have formed out of nothing to create our entire universe.”

Mr. Frank Wilczek from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has done specialization in quantum chromo-dynamics has given a theory that describes the behavior of quarks inside the nucleus of an atom and presented a finding that this universe is not at all like a state of nothingness.

Existence of something– seems far preferable.

Mr. Frank Wilczek said:
“You can form a state that has no quarks and antiquarks in it, and it’s totally unstable. It spontaneously starts producing quark-antiquark pairs.” 

Physicists from the University of Colorado in Boulder, Mr. Victor Stenger added to chain:
“Something is the more natural state than nothing. According to quantum theory, there is no state of ’emptiness’.

Professor Wilczek said:
“There is no barrier between nothing and a rich universe full of matter. Possibly the big bang was just nothingness doing what comes naturally”

Even many quantum physicists concluded that nothingness cannot exist. Quantum physics maintains a balance between two factors, time and energy. The thing lasting for long time will have more energy i.e. more time less energy and vice versa. The universe being approximately 13 billion years old indicates low energies.

Right after the Big Bang --- Inflation, it was a time of immense energy but at the same time due the negative energy of gravity it get cancelled which left behind a zero sum. If the overall sum obtained is zero then the problem is solved according to the law of Conservation of Energy. Zero energy to conserve means no problem exists. Thus, a universe which is thought to be popped out from nowhere becomes not only reasonable but also credible.

A cosmologist at MIT, Alan Guth, who presented an inflation theory 30 years ago said:  
“I like to say that the universe is the ultimate free lunch. Maybe a better way of saying it is that something IS nothing.”

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