
UFO Footage Shot By Nick Mariana | UFO CHRONICLE – 1950 • Great Falls, Montana

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Nick Mariana UFO Footage (2) 1950 - Great Falls, Montana
"They appeared to be of a bright, shiny metal, like polished silver. Both were the same size and traveling at the same rate of speed, which was much slower then the jets that shot by shortly after I filmed the discs. Suddenly they stopped. It weas then I remembered the camera ...."

     It just might be the most famous home movie ever shot in Montana. It's been uploaded by multiple sources, but this clip from the little-known 1956 film "U.F.O." shows Great Falls Electrics baseball
By helenair.com
team general manager Nick Mariana describing his home movie of what is purported to be two unidentified flying objects in the skies over the Electric City in August 1950.
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