After more than a century of being largely ignored in print, Scottish Rite Freemasons in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the U.S. can at last rejoice. After a year and a half's long and twisted path to publication, The Masonic Pageant: The Scottish Rite Degrees of the Supreme Council, NMJ by Illustrious Brother Frank Conway, 33° is finally being shipped by Cornerstone Publishing and can be ordered directly from the publisher HERE.
From the website:
In all honesty and sincerity, this book should be adopted by each and every NMJ Valley and placed in the hands of every single new Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret on the day of their degree conferral, as well as offered to existing members at every stated meeting. It's that invaluable and well written.
The book is 320 pages long and the list price is $29.95, plus shipping.
It is well worth the investment. Today, the website still shows a reduced pre-order price of $26.95, but it could pop up to its regular $29.95 list price at any second, so he who hesitates is out 3 smackers.
And no, as some have wryly suggested, it's NOT in loose-leaf format for regular revision...
(Please note: In full disclosure, I was deeply honored to be asked to pre-read and write the foreword to this book, and I did so because I felt it was such a vital work that needed to be actively supported. But it is Frank Conway who has done the very heavy lifting of authoring this incredible resource, and the sole credit belongs to him and to Michael Poll at Cornerstone for bringing it to life.)
The Masonic Pageant is a clearly written and easy to understand explanation of the Scottish Rite Degrees as worked by the Supreme Council 33º, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. Frank Conway, Ph.D., 33º, MSA provides a long needed and extremely valuable resource to all Scottish Rite Masons of the NMJ. This is a must have book for all NMJ SR Masons and bodies of the NMJ.
"Dr. Frank Conway has done a great service for Scottish Rite Freemasons with this book. His volume is far more than just a simple, up-to-date guide to the degrees of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. Each chapter contains a synopsis of the stage presentation of the degree itself, along with a brief description of its counterpart in the Southern Jurisdiction. But it is in the center of each chapter where you will find the heart and soul of this work. The historic origins, symbols, and myths behind each degree are thoroughly explored, whether it is a story based largely on biblical accounts, medieval sources, or more recent events. Conway draws upon a vast wealth of knowledge, covering more than 2,500 years of history and legends that have gone into the creation of these degrees, and he provides much in the way of background and context. The eager Brother will find much here to enlighten his journey through the degrees." ~ Christopher L. Hodapp, 33°
"Freemasonry encourages its members to engage in a search for light – knowledge and understanding – and this search requires access to accurate information. The Masonic Pageant provides the searcher with up-to-date information on the Scottish Rite degrees of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, USA. It is a boon to all who seek to understand the complex symbolism and ritual themes of these degrees." ~ S. Brent Morris, Ph.D., 33°, Grand CrossThe last serious attempt to publish a guidebook to the NMJ degrees was the continuously revised Book of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite by Charles T. McClenachan last released in 1907. In the ensuing 110 years, NMJ members have been left in the dark regarding the background, symbolism, history, and any other information about the degrees that make up their own distinctive system of rituals that differ completely from their Southern Jurisdiction counterparts (and the rest of the world's). Illus. Brother Conway has finally addressed this gaping lack of access to knowledge and performed an incalculable service to the more than 200,000 members of the NMJ who have been starved for information for so long, and to the rest of the world that knows almost nothing of the differences.
In all honesty and sincerity, this book should be adopted by each and every NMJ Valley and placed in the hands of every single new Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret on the day of their degree conferral, as well as offered to existing members at every stated meeting. It's that invaluable and well written.
The book is 320 pages long and the list price is $29.95, plus shipping.
It is well worth the investment. Today, the website still shows a reduced pre-order price of $26.95, but it could pop up to its regular $29.95 list price at any second, so he who hesitates is out 3 smackers.
And no, as some have wryly suggested, it's NOT in loose-leaf format for regular revision...
(Please note: In full disclosure, I was deeply honored to be asked to pre-read and write the foreword to this book, and I did so because I felt it was such a vital work that needed to be actively supported. But it is Frank Conway who has done the very heavy lifting of authoring this incredible resource, and the sole credit belongs to him and to Michael Poll at Cornerstone for bringing it to life.)