
Teen Captures UFO On Video?

Teen Captures UFO On Video 6-12-17

     During a recent ride home, the student and small business owner pointed his cellphone camera outside and captured an object fly across the night sky.
By Fernie Ortiz

"I told my mom to drive and rolled down the window 'cause I wanted to get footage of where we were recording," Ceniceros told ABC-7. "As we were going through the same place, I saw, like, a weird looking object."

Ceniceros thought what he saw was a bird, so he didn't care much for it. When he got home and uploaded his video, he realized it wasn't a bird or an owl or anything like that.

"It was actually as UFO, as people might call it," said Ceniceros, who was shooting a promo video for his screen-printing business." I wasn't expecting to find anything at all. I just wanted to get that footage to put in a promo video. But then I was analyzing the video ... I just saw that object, and I didn't know. I thought it was fake at first. I thought that the camera was malfunctioning. But no, it was actually like a UFO."
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