NASA Revealed Alarming Facts About Alien Life On Mars

NASA has been actually busy on Mars lately. In the last couple of years our complete views about Mars changed radically: from a deserted planet believed to be dry and dead, today we see Mars as the next best thing close to Earth. Abrubtly, everyone loves Mars, and everyone is talking about the red planet. But what do NASA researchers say about the red planet?

There is water… liquid water on Mars!

Not long ago, NASA researchers at last confessed that the red planet had real rivers of flowing water on its surface. According to Lujdendra Ojha, a planetary researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology who made the finding using pictures from NASA’s MRO, the red planet has liquid water on the surface. This finding changed everything we thought about the red planet. And all of a sudden the likelihood of Alien life somewhere on the red planet is not that far away.

“Mars is not the dry, arid planet that we believed of in the past … [and] liquid water has been discovered on Mars.” – James Green, NASA director of planetary sciences

Yes it is very likely that somewhere on Mars, there is extraterrestrial life - All options are open.

“The likelihood of life in the interior of Mars has always been very high. There’s surely water somewhere in the crust of Mars … It’s very likely, I think, that there is life somewhere in the crust of Mars.” – Alfred McEwen, Principal Investigator, HiRISE, University of Arizona (30:25)

There are thousands that consider that Mars is really an inhabited planet today. Many people believe that even though life as we know it would find it almost improbable to survive on the surface of Mars, maybe somehow somewhere on the red planet, life situated under the harsh soil of Mars could have survived.

The mere fact that researchers proclaimed there is liquid water on Mars make everyone think about little green Martian people walking around. Even though that might not be the case… precisely… it’s possible and not improbable that microorganisms can live on Mars.

Of course there are those who have faith in that in the distant past, the red planet was inhabited by intelligent civilizations. Dr Brandeburg, who has a PhD in Theoretical Plasma Physics from the University of California believes that there are sufficient signs to prove that at least two major nuclear blast went off on the surface of the red planet in the distant past. The theory suggested by Dr. Brandenburg is based on the traces of uranium and thorium that have been registered on the surface of Mars. This Martian civilization was wiped out by another aggressive alien race from elsewhere in the cosmos. Dr. Brandenburg warns that our civilization could face the same faith.

“We are going to Mars, our journey to Mars is a science controlled tour right now, but soon I hope we will be sending humans to the red planet to search and science will lead the way. And announcement of a really captivating result about current water on Mars is one of the reasons why I feel it’s even more imperative that we send astrobiologists and planetary researchers to Mars to explore the question of, ‘Is there life present on Mars?’ ” – John Grunsfeld, five time space flown astronaut, Associate Administrator Head of NASA Science Mission Directive

Mars was much Like Earth in the Past, something turned Mars into a almost deserted and inhospitable planet… but what?

Dr Brandenburg resolutely believes that The Red Planet was much different in the distant past and that Martian civilizations once called the red planet home. But what occurred to them? What happened to Mars?

According to Dr. Brandenburg, ancient Martians known as Cydonians and Utopians were slaughtered in the giant nuclear attack – and proof of the genocide can still be seen today. According to researchers there are very large traces of Xenon-129 on Mars and the only process that we know that yields Xenon-129 is a nuclear explosion. Researchers believe they have discovered powerful evidence of lost civilizations on the red planet and actually, they believe they may have found a nuclear signature in the Martian atmosphere that matches that of Earth after a nuclear test. In a TV interview, Dr. Brandenburg stated: “Two great catastrophes happened on Mars,” he told Supreme Master TV, pointing to Utopia on a map. “One here, and then an asteroid impact happened here, and Cydonia was right in between them. That’s mystifying. Why would so many bad things happen in one area of mars that just so happened to have archaeology on it?”

You think Dr. Brandenburg has lost it? Well think again, Brandenburg was in fact involved in the Clementine Mission to the moon, part of a joint space mission between the BMDO (Ballistic Missile Defense Organization) and NASA: This mission found water at the Moon’s poles in 94’, Dr. Brandenburg was the assistant manager of that mission.

“There is plentiful evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time.” – Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor

“I happen to be lucky enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real….”

“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered … We are not alone in the cosmos, they have been coming here for a long time.” – Dr. Edgar Mitchell, 6th man to walk on the Moon, Doctor of Science. (source)

Mr. Lewis Dartnell, a UK Space Agency scientist believes that early microscopic life forms developed on Mars Millions of years ago, but mayor environmental events made Mars totally inhospitable. Mr. Dartnell said: “Something disastrous has gone wrong on Mars environmentally.” Mr Dartnell believes that life did develop on Mars and it was most possibly single-celled. Mr. Dartnell said: “only the bacteria you would see under a microscope” – but whatsoever happened wiped out its chance of evolving into more complex forms.”

“The atmosphere has been blown into space. It is too cold and dry for any life now.

“There were never any multi-celled life forms, animals or plants. The myths of canals on Mars will always remain that.” Added Mr. Dartnell.

A Huge Ocean covered one-fifth of the red planet’s surface

In addition to the fact that scientists have now discovered liquid water flowing on the surface of the red planet, not long ago, specialists found that in the distant past, the red planet was not as Red as it is today. According to researchers, a huge primitive ocean covered one-fifth of the red planet’s surface. Mars was warm, wet and ideal for Alien life to develop. This ancient ocean on Mars was a mile deep I certain points of the planet holding over 2p million kilometers of water, more than is present the Arctic Ocean.

“A major question has been how much water did Mars really had when it was young and how it lost that water?” said Michael Mumma, a senior researcher at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.

 “Eventually we can conclude this idea of an ocean covering 20% of the planet which opens the idea of habitability and the evolution of life on the planet,” said Geronimo Villanueva, the first author on the study.

“We now know Mars was wet for a much longer time than we thought before,” said Mumma. NASA’s Curiosity rover has at present shown that Mars had standing water for 1.5 billion years, longer than it took for life to emerge on Earth. “Now we see that Mars must have been wet for a period even longer,” Mumma added.

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