In 3 Months, 3 Immigrants Have Died at a Private Detention Center in California
Members of Congress have cited the Adelanto Detention Facility for "egregious" medical errors.
By Madison Pauly, Mother Jones
June 2, 2017A Honduran immigrant held at a troubled detention center in California's high desert died Wednesday night while in the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Vincente Caceres-Maradiaga, 46, was receiving treatment for multiple medical conditions while waiting for an immigration court to decide whether to deport him, according an ICE statement. He collapsed as he was playing soccer at the detention facility and died while en route to a local hospital.
Caceres-Maradiaga's death is the latest in a string of fatalities among detainees held at the Adelanto Detention Facility, which is operated by the GEO Group, the country's largest private prison company.[....]
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The cruel but usual conditions inside two Georgia immigration detention centers
Also worrisome are recent reports about the administration’s plan to erode the already deficient detention standards and further expand the immigration detention industry.
By Azadeh Shahshahani and Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia, The Hill
May 18, 2017
Paul is a Nigerian asylum-seeker who was until recently detained at the Irwin County Detention
Center in Georgia (“Paul” is a pseudonym to protect his safety). Paul is thirty-six-years-old and was healthy before being taken into Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody. During the summer of 2016, Paul had experienced tooth pain and ultimately was brought to the dentist on August 10.[...]
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Immigration Detention: Worse Than Death?
“I would rather die than spend one more day in detention.”
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Martin Méndez Pineda |
By B. Shaw Drake, Huffington Post
May 24, 2017
Martin Méndez Pineda was held in U.S. immigration detention for over 100 days. As a journalist, Martin reported on federal police violence in one of Mexico’s most violent states. He received multiple death threats and was beaten by police, eventually forcing him to flee to the United States to seek asylum.
Asylum seekers have a right to seek protection at the border, but some U.S. border agents are blatantly disregarding the law. Some Customs and Border Protection officials have systematically turned away asylum seekers from U.S. ports of entry. Those who are processed for protection consideration are sent to immigration detention facilities, where some officers are intentionally exacerbating punitive detention conditions in order to pressure asylum seekers to drop their cases, and limiting due process protections.
I first learned of Martin’s case while documenting instances of U.S. border agents illegally turning away asylum seekers for Human Rights First’s report, “Crossing the Line.”[...]
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