
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Could Detect Extra Dimensions

A paper published in Physics Letters B has raised the prospect that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) could mark a discovery that would put its earlier achievements with the Higgs Boson in the shade.

The authors of the recent published paper propose it could spot mini black holes. Such a discovery would be a matter of massive importance on its own, but might be a sign of even more significant things. Few notions from theoretical physics capture the public imagination as much as the “many-worlds theory,” which suggests an infinite number of universes that vary from our own in ways large and small.

The notion has delivered great fodder for science fiction novelists and comedians. Nevertheless, according to Professor Mir Faizal from the University of Waterloo, 
"Normally, when people think of the multiverse, they think of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, where every possibility is actualized This cannot be tested and so it is philosophy and not science." he told Phys.org.
Nonetheless, Faizal reflects the test for a different type of parallel universes nearly within our reach.

Faizal says “What we mean is real universes in extra dimensions. As gravity can flow out of our universe into the extra dimensions, such a model can be tested by the detection of mini black holes at the LHC.”

The notion that the universe may be full with minute black holes has been projected to clarify puzzles such as the nature of dark matter. However, the energy required to generate such objects relays on the number of dimensions the universe has. In a predictable four-dimensional universe, these holes would need 1016 TeV, 15 orders of magnitude beyond the capability of the LHC to create. String theory, on the other hand, suggests 10 dimensions, six of which have been wrapped up so we can't observe them. Efforts to model such a universe propose that the energy required to make these minute black holes would be a great deal smaller, so much so that some researchers believe they should have been spotted in experiments the LHC has already run.

So if no discovery, no string theory? Not according to Mr. Faizal and his co-authors. They claim that the models used to forecast the energy of the black holes in a 10-dimensional universe have left out quantum twist of space-time that changes gravity marginally.

Whether this distortion is actual is a swiftly developing question, but if it is, the paper claims that the black holes will have energy levels considerably smaller than in a four-dimensional universe, but about twice as large as that noticeable for any test run so far. The LHC is aimed to reach 14 TeV, but so far has only gone to 5.3 TeV, although the paper reflects the holes might be lurking at 11.9 TeV. In this circumstance, once the LHC touches its full capacity, we should find them.

Such detection would determine the micro scale deformation of space-time, the presence of extra dimensions, parallel universes within them and string theory. If discovered at the right energy levels, the holes would approve the group's explanation of a new theory on black hole behavior named gravity's rainbow, after the significant novel. Such an amazing quadruple exposure would alter physics, even though the scientists are already considering the most likely errors in their work if the holes prove elusive.

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