Immigrant Rights in 2017: Crisis and Opportunity

Saturday, June 3,2017, 5:20pm-7:10pm
Room 1.73 at John Jay College, 59th St and 10th Ave, New York City

Racism, xenophobia, and immigrant-bashing are not new, but many people seem to be more aware of the deportation regime under the Trump administration. Does this provide an opportunity to shift public opinion on immigration? Can a sense of crisis mobilize solidarity? What strategies are organizers using to defend immigrant communities and push for real change? What challenges do we face?

Moderator: Angy Rivera, co-director, NY State Youth Leadership Council

  • Lupe Ambrosio, co-director, NY State Youth Leadership Council
  • Ravi Ragbir, New Sanctuary Coalition of NYC
  • Aly Wane, Syracuse Peace Council, Undocublack Network and Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI)
  • Jane Guskin, co-author of The Politics of Immigration: Questions and Answers
Updated for 2017: The Politics of Immigration: Questions and Answers (2nd edition) from Monthly Review Press. For more information: email

 About the speakers:
 Angy Rivera is a co-director at the New York State Youth Leadership Council. In 2010 she created Ask Angy, an award-winning undocumented immigrant advice column. She and her family are the subject of Mikaela Shwer’s documentary No le Digas a Nadie (Don't Tell Anyone), which aired on PBS in 2015. Follow her journey on twitter at @AskAngy.

Guadalupe Ambrosio is a co-director at the New York State Youth Leadership Council, the first and only undocumented youth-led organization in New York State. Born in Mexico City and raised in the Bronx, Ambrosio sees her role as to moving forward the NYSYLC’s mission of empowering undocumented youth to create the change they want and deserve. Follow her on Instagram @ambrosiolupe.
Ravi Ragbir is a NYC immigrant rights activist who has helped hundreds of people as an organizer and now as the Executive Director of the New Sanctuary Coalition of New York. He works directly with those who are facing deportation to empower them to struggle to remain in the US. Ravi has first-hand knowledge of the deportation system because he is facing removal himself and is fighting to remain here with his family, friends and supporters.
Aly Wane is an undocumented organizer out of Syracuse, NY. He has worked with many groups, including the American Friends Service Committee of Chicago and the Alliance of Communities Transforming Syracuse. He is a member of the Syracuse Peace Council, the Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI), and the UndocuBlack Network. His Facebook page is 
Jane Guskin is co-author with David L. Wilson of The Politics of Immigration: Questions and Answers (2nd edition, Monthly Review Press 2017). She has written on immigration and related topics for Truthout, Huffington Post, and other publications. She is a program manager at the A.J. Muste Memorial Institute and will be a PhD candidate in sociology at the City University of New York (CUNY) this fall.

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