
Chevron Shaped UFO Reported Over New Jersey | UFO CHRONICLE – 1965

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Chevron Shaped UFO Reported Over  New Jersey

     On August 1st, 1965, at 9:15 PM, the local 1010 WINS, 24 hour news station, out of New York city, announced sighting of objects in the 4-corners region of the US southwest. I instantly grabbed our dad's 10 by 50 binoculars, and raced out to the front lawn of their
Reader Submitted Report
The UFO Chronicles
Teaneck, New Jersey house. I lay on my back for about 15 minutes without seeing anything, and so trained the binocs on Vega, almost directly overhead. With my arms tiring I began pulling the binocs away from my eyes, when all of a sudden a fast moving 'something' emerged from the edge of the roofline of our parent's house. I instantly trained the binoc's on this object, and could see it was a perfect chevron in shape, and glowing a dull orange. It traversed about 40 degrees of sky in about 1 and a half seconds. It took up 1/6th of the width of my field of view in the binoc's. Unbeknownst to me at the time sightings were occurring also in southeast New Hampshire. I later calculated that the great circle route between these two regions, would pretty much pass over northeast New Jersey, where I was located.

My gut feeling was this object was miles up in the atmosphere. As a ballpark estimate I figured it was at least 20 miles up. Using the mile long estimate of the width of the Phoenix boomerang, if what I saw was the same width, then it would have been approximately 45 miles up in the atmosphere, as it passed over northeast New Jersey.
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