NYC Solidarity Rally Against Deportation, Thursday, March 9, 2017

Updates for March 9 Solidarity Rally Against Deportation

TEXT “DEMOAID648” to 41411. 


New York City families deserve dignity and respect. The President’s recent actions on immigration are tearing our communities apart. Each day, dozens of New Yorkers facing deportation must check-in with ICE Officers at 26 Federal Plaza. When they enter the building, they don’t know if they will be able to see their families again. Now more than ever it is important to show solidarity in the face of policies that threaten our communities.

Join us for a Jericho Walk to stand with individuals and families facing deportation. This interfaith act of solidarity will bring together advocates and supporters to show immigrants that they are not alone. 

Please note the following about March 9th:
#1 Meet at Foley Square at 9 AM on Thursday (unless you are a volunteer, in which case we ask that you please arrive at 8am)
#2. The press conference will begin at 9 AM sharp so please be on time if you can. 
#3. The press conference will lead directly into the Jericho Walk - an interfaith act of silent solidarity. People of all faiths/no faith are welcome, but we ask that you all respect the tradition of the Jericho Walk, which involves silence and other instructions we will share with you on the day of. 
#4 Feel free to make and bring signs but we ask that your signs do not mention any specific individuals who may be facing detention/deportation. Keep signs general. 
This goes for social media as well—please keep hashtags, tweets, Facebook posts, etc. general. Do not name specific people. 
#5. Do not bash ICE, and please keep the references to Sanctuary to a minimum. This event is designed in solidarity with those most vulnerable, and we do not want to invite backlash against them. 
March 9 Organizers

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