
Alex Jones' Former Editor Trashes Him as a Trump Sellout and Snake Oil Salesman

Kurt Nimmo, a longtime former editor for Alex Jones’ Infowars.com, has been publicly trashing his ex-boss as a “snake oil salesman” who sold out to support President Donald Trump.

Nimmo has repeatedly trashed his former employer for turning into “infotrump.” He tweeted that the site has become “the Trump branch office in Austin” and that Jones "turned over his audience to the #Trump Borg hive." He’s also called Jones a “snake oil salesman” who is “playing the race & religion card.” Nimmo responded to the site’s hiring of Jerome Corsi by writing: “#Infowars hires neocon, joins Republican effort to rekindle Cold War. Imagine my surprise.” He has also suggested that Jones has purged personnel who have disagreed with his new direction.


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