Esquire Labels UFO Enthusiasts Crackpots as Election Nears

Esquire Labels UFO Enthusiasts Crackpots as Election Nears
Esquire paints UFO enthusiasts “crackpots” and “believers” as election nears

     The 2016 election is dividing the nation against itself: husbands against wives, nephews against angry drunk uncles, Republicans against Republicans, and UFO believer against UFO believer. While one might think Donald Trump's proclivity for unfounded and unlikely
Adam Raymond
theories gleaned from obscure blogs would endear him to the-truth-is-out-there crowd, Hillary Clinton has been the one making a concerted effort to appeal to E.T. lovers. "My candidate is Donald Trump because he's not a politician," one Nevadan UFO hunter told CNN last year. "I could be wrong, but the extraterrestrials tell me that Donald Trump is the one to lead America."
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