Stephen Hawking Wants To Find Aliens Before They Find Us

Stephen Hawking Wants To Find Aliens Before They Find Us

The famed cosmologist is all in on searching for signals from E.T.,
but warns that we should be careful about inviting aliens over

     Stephen Hawking is again warning about announcing our presence to any alien civilizations that might be out there, especially those that could be more technologically advanced.
By Eric Mack

In his new half-hour program "Stephen Hawking's Favorite Places" on science-themed subscription service CuriosityStream, the world's most famous theoretical physicist flies by the potentially habitable exoplanet Gliese 832c in a CGI spaceship as part of his hypothetical dream itinerary for a tour of the universe.

The super-Earth is only 16 light-years away and just the sort of world the Hawking-supported Breakthrough: Listen initiative hopes to scan for signs of alien signals using our most sensitive radio telescopes. ...
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