
UFO Encounter & Missing Pilot Still a Mystery After 40 Years

UFO Mystery (Frederick Valentich) The Australian 10-21-1978

Frederick Valentich disappearance:
How UFO helped inspire The Kettering Incident

'It's not an aircraft'

     A pilot who disappeared nearly 40 years ago after reporting a UFO is one of the inspirations for the plot of the new television drama series The Kettering Incident.
By Carol Rääbus

While the show revolves around fictional mysterious disappearances in the Tasmanian bush, the disappearance of Frederick Valentich was very real.

Valentich was a 20-year-old pilot who went missing over Bass Strait in 1978, leaving nothing behind except a mysterious radio transmission.

Historian Reg Watson has been researching the disappearance for many years.

"I've looked at it for gosh, three decades," he told Leon Compton on 936 ABC Hobart.

"I have to say, in my opinion, he had an encounter with a UFO — and I don't say that lightly."
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