Poland and Lithuania as new migrant transit countries?

The current migrant crisis that is facing the European Union is a security challenge for the entire EU and is putting political strain on its members as to how this migrant crisis should be solved. So far Eastern Europe and the Baltic States have not felt the pressure of the mass migration that has been going on since the start of 2015. This is mainly because most refugees are trying to reach Western Europe, notably Germany and the United Kingdom, and Scandinavia.

The Balkan countries are however closing down the so called Balkan route that has been one of the main transit routes for refugees. Macedonia, Slovenia and Hungary are just a few of the countries that build fences to keep refugees out of their borders and a daily quota of refugees are allowed to pass. The closing of the so called Balkan route is however posing a new security challenge for Poland and Lithuania as refugees will look for new routes to get into the EU.
The Balkan Route
The prospect of migrants using the Balkan route is expected to diminish with the border between Greece and Macedonia closed and with naval patrols between Turkey and Greece. This leaves many migrants stranded in Turkey and they will start looking for new routes to enter Europe. One such route might be available across the Black Sea.

A new possible route for refugees from the Middle East might exist in crossing the Black Sea and then move through Ukraine and Belarus in order to get to Poland and Lithuania. From there, these refugees would then make their way towards Germany or Scandinavia.

It remains to be seen if this new migrant route will be effectively used by refugees coming from the Middle East. This route is longer then the Balkan route and more complex as Poland already guards its border with Ukraine and it seems unlikely that Belarus will allow large amount of refugees pass its territory. This however does not take away the fact that Poland and Lithuania are working closer together when it comes to police and security services.

It is possible that this new route leading towards Poland and Lithuania might be used by refugees coming out of the Caucasus and travelling through Russia.

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