Don’t Buy UFOs and Nukes at Amazon: The Book Sells for $23.95 at

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UFOs and Nukes By Robert Hastings

     When I published my ground-breaking book, UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, in 2008, I made the decision to sell it directly from my website, rather than at Amazon, due to certain company rules which were unfavorable to self-published authors.

The downside to this decision has been that scalpers buy my book and resell it on the Amazon website for hugely inflated prices, a practice over which I have no control. Presumably, those unfortunates who actually purchase it this way are under the impression that UFOs and Nukes is out-of-print. It is not, and never will be, as long as I am an active researcher.

By Robert Hastings
The UFO Chronicles

For US-based customers, the total price—with shipping and handling—is $28.90. Non-US customers are instructed on my Book page to contact me for an international shipping rate quote before placing their orders.

On a related topic, it appears that the release of my documentary film, UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed, is imminent. Two trailers may be viewed below. The first concerns UFO incursions at U.S. nuclear missile sites in the 1960s; the second covers the amazing Big Sur UFO incident—when a disc-shaped craft was captured on film as it shot down a dummy nuclear warhead with beams of light during a 1964 missile test.
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