Circular Lights Hover Over Idaho Town | UFO NEWS

Circular Lights Hover Over Idaho Town 9-20-15

By Roger Marsh

     An Idaho couple at Nampa reported watching a hovering set up lights in a circular formation about 11:45 p.m. on September 20, 2015, according to testimony in Case 70704 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The reporting witness and his girlfriend were on a familiar walk to a nearby store when the lights were first seen.

“We noticed that there were a bunch of lights in a circular formation off to the east of the way we were walking,” the witness stated. “It was a huge set of lights that was over the town of Nampa, Idaho. It was over by the city we could tell because there is a bunch of light pollution over there.”

The couple’s first reaction is that they were witnessing a UFO.

“We kept watching it. It did not make any movement or any noise. It did not do anything except for sit there and we have noticed that we have never noticed lights like that over there before and we have walked this path many, many times.”

The couple kept walking while they watched the lights. [...]
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