UFO Encounter and Missing Time – 1967

UFO Encounter and Missing Time – 1967

By Roger Marsh

     A New York witness at Howe Caverns recalls an encounter with a UFO from 1967 when an unknown object hovered over his vehicle creating a period of missing time, according to testimony in Case 57320 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The reporting witness and his best friend were returning to Long Island, NY, from Expo 67 in Montreal, Canada when the incident occurred on September 2, 1967.

“It was late and we knew we would never make it so we decided to stop along the way,” the witness stated. “We saw a billboard advertising Howe Caverns and we decided to go there for the night and then visit the caves in the morning.”

It was Saturday night of Labor Day weekend. The two followed signs to the cavern’s parking lot and arrived about 11 to 11:15 p.m.

“We were young foolish kids and didn’t have much money so we decided to sleep in the car. It was a white 1961 Chevy Impala. We were the only car in the lot and I remember saying, ‘Let’s park in a corner so if we oversleep I don’t want people looking in the windows.’ I parked the car in such a way that I backed against a hill declining away from the car. The trunk overhung the start of the decline. You basically couldn’t stand behind the car. I parked with the passenger doors also at the edge of the lot.” ...

“Well, he suddenly started screaming, almost berserk like, at me to ‘get away, drive away.’ He kept shouting, ‘They’re behind us. They’re over the car.’ I didn’t respond in a scared manner. I remember thinking that it’s just the cops.” ...

“In seconds I slowly started to react. An intense light was shining in my eyes. Even though they were still closed, I could see the reds and harsh whites of light, and at the same time, Bill was sitting up and pounding on the seat and me to get up and go. I never saw him like this, and I was now reacting to his fear.” ...
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