UPDATE: Alien Shooter Story is Credible Believe Ufologists

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UPDATE: Alien Shooter Story is Credible Believe Ufologists

Argentina: Rosario Ufologist Says Hunter's Story is "Credible"

By Inexplicata

     After the initial astonishment and widespread diffusion in the media, the case involving the hunter from Santa Rosa who claims having slain an extraterrestrial has moved to another level: it is now a matter for investigation by UFO researchers. To one of them, the abduction was not extraterrestrial but rather military in origin. A psychiatrist wants Tavernise to submit to a deep relaxation technique to see if there are images in the depths of his mind that have not yet come to light. The case will be published in a book compiling cases that have occurred in the past 10 years.

Luis Reinoso is an attorney who has spent his life researching the UFO phenomenon. In 1965 he established the EDOVNI center in Rosario, which celebrated its 50th year of uninterrupted work on the subject. This trajectory, and the premise of doing responsible work, was acknowledged in 2011, when the Argentinean Air Force summoned the native of Rosario to form part - as an external advisor - of a special commission created to study reports by passengers and pilots alike regarding the presence or sighting of objects of unknown provenance.

Last Friday, Reinoso was spending a few days vacationing in the mountains of Córdoba when he read the article on the police report filed by Alberto Tavernise and did not hesitate to board the first bus to La Pampa. Since then, he has interviewed Tavernise a few times and also engaged in field work to learn more about the hunter's personal details and the geographic context in which the encounter between the man and the five small beings took place.

Alberto Tavernise
In Reinoso's opinion, the story put forth by [Tavernise] is "solid and coherent" and therefore "credible". In any event, he explained, it is not his duty to judge credibility, but to gather all of the physical evidence available on the case, whether they are photographs, ground traces, witness accounts or anything else that contributes elements. During a second stage, the investigation will continue with a visit by a psychiatrist who will meet with Tavernise, who has already expressed having no misgivings about participating in the study. The psychiatrist shall apply a deep relaxation technique that will permit images recorded in the depths of Tavernise's mind to be unlocked, should any remain.

Reinoso has a powerful theory regarding the incident with the 1.20 meter tall beings and the man's subsequent abduction: "It wasn't abduction by an extraterrestrial craft, but what we call a "government abduction" [MILABs in U.S. parlance -- SC] in which aliens serve as the pretext for covering up the true origin.

The most notable difference between one and another can be found in the consequences for the abductee: the first are not traumatic and in general promote the individual's spiritual growth; the second create traumatic memories which the person finds hard to endure, and the physical consequences are longer lasting, as occurred with Tavernise.

Behind all this, suggests the researcher, are power groups that remain out of sight, interests promoting a "New World Order" and who tirelessly experiment a variety of unthinkable weapons of mass population control on human beings.

For this reason, in order to keep their operations secret, nothing could be better than to ascribe the blame to extraterrestrials. Should they exist, and if they are among us - of which Reinoso is convinced - they have nothing to do with these experiences.

Luis Reinoso is the author of two books on the UFO phenomenon: "Tras las huellas de los ovnis" (1984) y "Nuevo Orden Mundial - Globalización y fenómeno ovni" (2005). His third work is currently in progress and surely includes a reference to the Tavernise case.

He visited our province for several days three decades ago to study the "Platner Case". According to his calculations, he has studied some 80 cases and has records of at least 20 abductions in recent times. During the interview with LA ARENA he disclosed that there are two cases which have been the focus of official criminal investigation - one due to the spontaneous participation of a prosecutor, and another due to the experiencer's own report - plus a police record. Tavernise's case would be the second police report, although the first to contain details about the alleged confrontation.

The "Comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales" was created by Resolution No. 414 / 2011 of the Chief of Staff of the Argentinean Air Force with the purpose of "organizing, coordinating and methodically carrying out investigations into possible causes of unidentified flying object sightings within airspace under National Jurisdiction," as can be read on the agency's website. In such cases where investigations have "reached a certain and exact conclusion", the order is to publicize such results.

* [Translation (c) 2015 Scott Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
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