"What, Realistically, Do You Hope To Accomplish?" | WHITE HOUSE UFO PETITION

Road without end

By Billy Cox
De Void

     Talk about snakebit. The very day UFO activist Steve Bassett launches his latest petition to enlist White House support for UFO hearings on The Hill — boom — religious degenerates in France monopolize the headlines by slaughtering irreverent free thinkers. Not to suggest in any way that Bassett’s designs on dragging The Great Taboo into the sunlight was in any danger of getting MSM attention in the first place; after all, this is his seventh pass at it. Still. Given the patterns, it kinda makes you wonder about the mysterious ways in which the universe rewards this species of tenacity.

Let's go back a dozen years or so. As founder of the nation's only registered lobby dedicated to wresting the "UFO truth embargo" from government shadows, Bassett decides to run as an independent in Maryland’s 8th Congressional District. If elected, the director of the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee will raise hell under the Dome to declassify federal UFO secrets. But in October, with the 2002 campaign rounding the home stretch, a couple of psycho car-trunk snipers turn the D.C. 'burbs into a shooting gallery. Voters are thinking more about exit routes and body armor than ET. Bassett gets maybe one percent of the vote.

In the ensuing years, he will hit if from other angles. At the beginning of the Obama administration, for instance, he urged kindred spirits to swamp the White House press corps with letters, emails, phone calls, etc., urging them to ask the new regime pointed UFO questions. He called that one the Million Fax on Washington.

He also staged a series of Washington-area "X-Conference" seminars in hopes of exposing the Beltway media to a range of perspectives on The Great Taboo. In 2007, Washington Post political columnist Dana Milbank shows up. Amid such a target-rich environment, Milbank naturally takes the freak-show angle, and furnishes an opening quote from a crackpot who says, "The truth amnesty project is reportedly recommended by the participating extraterrestrials themselves." The media momentum never materializes; financial woes follow. Yet, in 2013, thanks to a million-dollar wad dropped on the thing by Canadian philanthropist Tom Clearwater, Bassett rolls his biggest wager to date. He stages what he calls the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. He pays half a dozen retired congresspersons, including a former senator, $20k apiece to preside over a week-long series of testimonials from UFO witnesses of wildly divergent pedigree and persuasions. It will be conducted with the formality of real hearings. Afterwards, Bassett will produce and forward DVDs to every member of Congress.

“We’ll create so much public interest, a lot of the editors are gonna say, Christ almighty, enough is enough, that’s it, let’s get some answers from these guys,” Bassett says before the big show at the National Press Club in Washington. “And if they ask the right questions, I predict the truth embargo will be over within 60 days."

Dot dot dot ...

But wait -- just before that, in 2011, in a hideously tantalizing twist of fate, the White House announces it will officially address whatever grievance Joe Sixpack wants to bring to its attention. Seriously. Team Obama made the initiative sound populist by calling it We The People. And all Joe Sixpack's gotta do is convince 5,000 people to sign an online We The People petition. Five thousand names -- that's nothing.

Almost immediately, the geniuses who dreamed up that paltry threshold know they’ve screwed up when an avalanche of gripes, from the profound to the egregiously insipid, begin clogging the pipes. Within weeks, the We The People architects decide to raise the bar to 25,000 signatures. Still, it's too late to thwart Bassett’s demand that the administration “formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon.” The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy responds with rote blurbs on SETI and Kepler and Mars Curiosity Rover, along with this:

“The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye.”

Six more We The People petitions will follow — e.g., please investigate UFO intrusions over U.S. nuclear missile fields, make official public inquiries into President Clinton’s murky intrigues with the so-called Rockefeller Initiative, etc. But none of those appeals will come close to reaching the 25,000 signature mark. And by 2013, after having to respond to a non-Bassett petition requesting America to build a Death Star as a jobs-creation stimulus, We The People has pretty much had it with Those People and raises the trigger response to 100,000 names. Which means Bassett, in this latest round, will need to gather more than 3,000 names a day by Feb. 6 to provoke the White House into to weighing in on his request for support of congressional UFO hearings. Should the sun rise in the west and he actually reaches six figures, here's De Void's crystal ball on We The People's response: “The executive branch does not set the legislative agenda, but we take your concerns seriously. Therefore, we have forwarded your request to the Hon. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and the Hon. Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) for their thoughtful consideration.”

And finally, there’s this: After three notifications from the Federal Elections Commission that his Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee is five months derelict in reporting receipts and disbursements, Bassett now describes his one-man lobby as “in suspension.” And yet. When asked by De Void, "What, realistically, do you hope to accomplish?", Bassett's succinct email reply is stalwart: "Disclosure."

This story has a moral to it. Somewhere. It just has to.
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