Bannak Historic Lodge No. 3-7-77 in Montana

For a nominal fee, any Master Mason who is in good standing within their respective lodge and grand lodge and is recognized by the GL Grand Lodge of Montana AF&AM, can join Bannack Historic Lodge No. 3-7-77 AF&AM of MT. The lodge is located in Bannak State Park. It appears that they have yearly gatherings, but there is no stated meetings held, nor any degrees conferred. There are over 1300 members from across the globe that are members, but the majority of members are from the US and Canada. In other words, this is not a 'working lodge', but rather a historical Masonic Lodge in Montana that with the contributions, you become a fellow caretaker of this historic building and your money goes toward it's upkeep and visitors appeal.

The annual meeting is always the second Saturday in September. This year it will be September 12th, and members are encouraged to wear period costumes. Bannak was the first territorial capital of Montana.
Petition fee only - $37.77; Petition fee and either pin or certificate plus S&H - $45.00; Petition fee, pin, and certificate plus S&H - $50.00. Checks should be payable to Bannack Historic Lodge No. 3-7-77, A.F. & A.M. (in U.S. Funds).
*** All fees and purchase amounts are listed in U.S. Funds and should also be noted as such on any checks from outside of the U.S. ***
A photocopy of the petitioner’s current dues card (front and back) must accompany the petition.

H/T Darrell Waddell

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