Witnesses Chase UFO at New Albany, Indiana?

Witnesses Chase UFO at New Albany, Indiana?

By Roger Marsh

     An Indiana witness at New Albany reported watching and following a bright light UFO that appeared to get the attention of ground responders in all-terrain vehicles about 5:30 p.m. on December 22, 2014, according to testimony in Case 62108 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was heading home at 5:30 p.m. along westbound I-265 about two miles from the intersection with I-64 when the object was first seen.

“As I was approaching the interchange, I saw a bright light hovering or moving slowly in the distance,” the witness stated. “Although it was beginning to get dark, there was plenty of late, bright sunshine. The only clouds were much higher than the object.”

The witness described the object.

“The object had a luminous trail behind it of about 20-50 feet. When it eventually passed through some small clouds I could still see the light it generated. As I began heading north up I-64, the object moved toward Edwardsville. I was driving 45-50 mph and it was parallel to me.”

But then the object appeared to slow down and began moving toward Georgetown.

“In 20-30 seconds it gradually faded to nothing, while still moving.”

About this time, the witness began to hear sirens.

“I entered onto SR 62 and first responder vehicles were arriving from both directions and shut down the road. Twice I saw a first responder run across the road, up an embankment and into the area of an abandoned golf course. To me, they were looking for something.”

Then the witness and two other vehicles were allowed to proceed. . . .
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