Ryan Wood and the Majestic Documents

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Ryan Wood and the Majestic Documents

By Kevin Randle
A Different Perspective

      In the interest of fairness, and remember this is my blog so that I get to decide what is fair and what is not, I mention that I have been in communication with Ryan Wood, which is to say, he emailed me. He pointed out that the documents under discussion have been on his website www.majesticdocuments.com and that these specific documents can be found at:

The Majestic Documents

In the email he argues, “I don’t think a it has any bearing (positive or negative) on “Operation Majestic-12”; the right hand was not talking to the left hand (which was classified in a different vault). Majestic Joint Logistics plan replaced Masthead the previous plan.”

I would, of course, disagree simply because, as I have mentioned, the code names from projects, whatever the nature of that project, are picked from a list so there should be no duplication. That would suggest that “Majestic” as the code name for a specific war plan shouldn’t also be the code name for the oversight committee and its creations. That would cause confusion and would probably lead to compromise. That would be someone whose orders noted that he was cleared for “Majestic” meaning the war plan and those at the other end thought it was “Majestic” meaning the alien recovery operation.

But this is just one of those little things that you probably can find an exception to, meaning, we might find a duplication of code names if we looked long enough and far enough. Majestic was apparently also the code name for part of the invasion of Japan just prior to the end of World War II and yet here it surfaces as the code name for a war plan to deal with a possible Soviet invasion into Europe (and for those who don’t know, war plans are created with certain scenarios in mind so that if the war happens, there is some sort of guide… history shows that for years, many war games started with a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese… you have to wonder how it was that our top officers in the Pacific were so ill prepared, but I digress).

The next question is really how many of these little deviations must we tolerate in an attempt to validate MJ-12? One or two might be acceptable in the EBD but there are so many that it seems to me that it weighs heavily against authenticity.

Ryan also mentioned, “Now right above that majestic documents website entry to is the Blount to Evans Memo from NARA…now that’s an interesting memo…mentions “Unidentified Aerial Objects; Aero Medical Laboratory (links to other leaked Majestic documents); saucers crashed in Mexico.’”

That is a single, short paragraph reference in the letter dated March 10, 1950, that says, “It has recently been rumored that one of these so-called flying saucers crashed in Mexico; however, details are somewhat bizarre at the moment.”

This too is interesting. Oh, it doesn’t validate the El Indio – Guerrero crashed saucer of the EBD, because, as you can see, it is dated many months before that event is alleged to have happened. And there isn’t much in the literature about crash. The only thing I can find is reference to the Ray Dimmick who claimed to have a strip of metal which he, Dimmick, was told came from the spacecraft. Dimmick himself hadn’t seen the craft or the body of the 23” tall alien creature. He heard the tale from two Mexican businessmen and an American, whom he declined to identify. The Project Blue Book files contain newspaper clippings about the case, but made no effort to investigate it (which is probably the right thing to have done, given the facts, or the lack thereof.)

In the clipping I have, there is an interesting note that is not at all relevant to this discussion or MJ-12. It said, “Reminded that the Air Force announced last December it was dropping its investigation of flying saucers because of preponderance of evidence that they do not exist, Dimmick said, ‘I’m big enough to take the consequences of what I’ve said and stand my ground.’”

I probably should note that this paragraph is in a letter about other things, and there is no mention of MJ-12 or anything related to it… unless you count the sentence about a crashed saucer. But there is no mention of Majestic or MJ-12.

When I mentioned this to Ryan, he said, “Blount may have been sloppy, certainly could have meant New Mexico. It may be ‘recent’ to Blount’s understanding and actually happened years before.”

Well, I had thought of the same thing, but I’m just not sure that it holds up. Dimmick is a better fit because it was just days before the Blount letter and it was in Mexico as opposed to New Mexico… but anyone who had read the Dimmick tale and who had any reading comprehension at all must have realized that it was not grounded in reality.

The point here, however, was to note that Ryan Wood had found the Majestic war plan documents before Tony found them and had posted them to his Majestic web site. I am a little surprised that they didn’t trouble him a little more than they have, but then, I might be a tad bit more cynical than Ryan… too many people have lied to me about too much.

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See Also:


The Majestic Documents: A Forensic Linguistic Report (Pt 1)

MJ-12: The Only Fiction is The Majestic 12 Documents, Declares, Randle

MJ-12: No Proof that TF, CT, or EBD Documents are Fraudulent, Argues Friedman

Roger Wescott, Roscoe Hillenkoetter and MJ-12

MJ-12: The Hoax That Quickly Became a Disinformation Operation

MJ-12 Debate Continues: Alejandro Rojas Rebukes Stanton Friedman

MJ-12 Debate Continues: Kevin Randle's Final Word on The Matter?

MJ-12 Debate Continues: Stanton Friedman Counters

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MJ-12: Kevin Randle Rails Against Stanton Friedman's Rebuttal

MJ-12: Alejandro Rojas Accepts Stanton Friedman's Debate Challenge

MJ-12: Renowned Ufologist, Stanton Friedman Issues Debate Challenge To Naysayers

More False Claims About Majestic 12

The Myth of MJ-12: Appendix A –Pt 1

The Myth of MJ-12: Appendix A –Pt 2

The Myth of MJ-12: Appendix A –Pt 3

"Appendix A: The Myth of MJ-12" An Annotated Commentary By Barry Greenwood

Operation Bird Droppings
The MJ-12 Saga Continues:

Operation Bird Droppings
The MJ-12 Saga Continues:

Bird Droppings and MJ-12, Stanton Friedman Responds . . .

An Historical Curio re "MJ-12"


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