UFO Reported Over Florida Town; Emits Loud Humming Sound

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UFO Reported Over Florida Town

Florida witnesses alerted to hovering UFO by loud humming sound

By Roger Marsh

     Several Florida witnesses at Ponce Inlet who were drawn into the street after hearing a loud humming sound about 10:15 p.m. on September 15, 2014, reported watching a low flying object with lights that hovered nearby, according to testimony in Case 59867 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The reporting witness heard the humming sound for five to eight seconds and first thought it might be someone’s garage door opening.

“But it was unusual, unlike anything we ever heard before,” the witness stated. “It was so loud it caused alarm. So we immediately went outside. Several neighbors went outside to express concern and alarm. The dogs in the neighborhood were barking and then they got very quiet.”

Then the witness looked directly north of their home.

“I saw in the direct path of my home and my neighbor’s home some very low lights in the sky, amber in color, and changing color with some reds. We watched it for about one minute. It was stationary at this time, and then it started to move to the west very slowly without sound. It was about one-half mile away at this time.” . . .
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