DTN News - UKRAINE UNREST: Russian-Backed Separatist Militia on The offensive Against Ukrainian Government Forces

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - September 5, 2014: Unmarked military vehicles burn on a country road in the village of Berezove, eastern Ukraine, Thursday, Sept. 4, 2014, after a clash between pro-government troops and Russian-backed separatist militia.
Separatist rebels have made major strides in their offensive against Ukrainian government forces in recent days, drawing on what Ukraine and NATO says is ample support from the Russian military.
*Link for This article compiled by K. V. Seth from reliable sources AP Photo/Sergei Grits
*Speaking Image - Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News
*Photograph: IPF (International Pool of Friends) + DTN News / otherwise source stated
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News Contact:dtnnews@ymail.com