Business as Usual: Thailand Back in Crisis Mode

There is an anarchic quality to Thai politics that has to be seen to be believed. At regular intervals, mass protests, military coups and other forms of upheaval toss out leaders whether they are democratically elected or otherwise. Since the turn of the century, media mogul Thaksin Shinawatra--sort of an Asian Silvio Berlusconi--has dominated the political scene, being PM from 2001 to 2006, when he was ousted in a military coup. Since 2006, he has lived largely outside the country to avoid criminal prosecution. However, his allies have held office most of the time, including his sister Yingluck Shinawatra who was elected in 2011:
Although Thaksin or his allies have won every election in the past decade, the judiciary often undercuts him, illustrating how the billionaire former telecommunications tycoon and populist hero remains one of the most polarising figures in modern Thai history.

Since the 2006 coup, court rulings have removed two prime ministers, disbanded four parties, jailed three election commissioners and banned 220 politicians. The military will be watched closely. A major force in politics since Thailand became a democracy in 1932, the military has staged 18 coups - some successful, some not - and made several discreet interventions in forming coalition governments, almost all with the tacit backing of the royalist establishment that now reviles Thaksin.
Now Yingluck Shinawatra finds herself in trouble. She recently tried to ramrod legislation that would grant Thaksin amnesty, but to no avail. Instead of bringing big brother home, she has raised the ire of the middle class Bangkok-based opposition. I've already called her Badluck Shinawatra for her terribly expensive and quite frankly unaffordable populist policies of supporting rice farmers in Thailand's north and northeast. Aside from trying to bring home their bete noire Thaksin home scot-free, Thailand's deteriorating economic situation is driving much unrest as ten of thousands have, well, Occupied Thailand's Government Offices:
Thousands of anti-government demonstrators kept up pressure on the Thai government Wednesday by surrounding more official buildings amid the highest tensions the country has seen since deadly unrest three years ago. The protesters in Bangkok continued to occupy the finance ministry building, which they stormed Monday and turned into their secondary command center.

They plan to send groups to a range of other ministries and government offices around the capital Wednesday, said Akanat Promphan, a spokesman for the protesters. Their objectives include the public health, labor, industry, social development and science ministries, as well as a government complex that houses multiple agencies, notably the Department of Special Investigation. The number of demonstrators, led by the opposition Democrat Party, has declined from the huge gathering of roughly 100,000 people that assembled in Bangkok on Sunday.
So those are the politics; now for the economy part. The Thai baht and the stock market are both plunging. Part of the pressure comes from Yingluck trying to auction bonds to pay the rice subsidies she vows will remain in place. Since October (harvest season), the government has failed to pay the farmers. These auctions have not succeeded either in selling the entire amount on offer, raising fears among Yingluck's allies. After all, if the farmers desert her due to non-payment of subsidies, the Thaksinite political base will be angry:
At least four sales of three-year debt in Thailand have failed to raise the targeted amounts in July and August. The notes yesterday were sold at a yield of 3.53 percent, 39 basis points higher than similar-maturity sovereign bonds, Chularat Suteethorn, head of the Public Debt Management Office, said. The securities were issued on behalf of Bank for Agriculture & Agricultural Cooperatives, which is helping to support farmers by purchasing rice at above-market prices. 
There is another large auction scheduled for Friday, November 29. If that too fails (and it looks like it will), you can bet more economic turmoil will hit Thailand and add fuel to the protester's ire at the government. Call this another example in how democracy does not always work. Sure these Southeast Asian equivalents of (Venezuelan) Chavistas are very good at winning elections, but their policies are largely unsustainable redistributive initiatives.

In the end, you got the government you deserve if you vote for this kind of nonsense.

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