DTN News - LIST OF MILITARY POWERS: Global Military Powers By Countries Ranking - Statistics Compiled Through Various Sources

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 3, 2012: GFP provides a unique analytical display of data covering global military powers with statistics compiled through various sources. All manner of countries are considered in the ranking, a spectrum helping to produce a near-complete comparison of relative military strengths from across the globe. The user should note that nuclear capability is not taken into account for the final ranking for this listing is purely a "numbers game" meant to spark debate and including nuclear weapons would clearly defeat its purpose. Therefore GFP comparisons are for consideration in a conventional war based solely on each individual nation's capabilities on land, at sea and through the air while including logistical and financial aspects when waging total war. Sources are stated whenever possible though some statistics are estimated if official numbers are not available.
Final Thoughts
It goes without saying that lists such can be completely subjective, though the GFP intention is to be wholly unbiased.
The final GFP rankings are based on a formula taking some 45 factors into account and compiling totals against each country, applying bonuses and penalties as needed to generate this list.
Country Ranks 1 through 30...
Country Ranks 31 through 55...
*Link for This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources GlobalFirepower.com (GFP)
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*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News Contact:dtnnews@ymail.com